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Investigate Brazos integration for VZA app #939

Closed amenity closed 4 years ago

amenity commented 4 years ago

If we can get the Brazos email report functionality to work, we could do an ETL with that data and drastically simplify the officer UI - they would just have to record "No Contact" or "eCitation number".

@SurbhiBakshi is going to:

SurbhiBakshi commented 4 years ago

@johnclary , RyanM can access Brazos, but not sure it is through a BI tool. DanielY may be accessing Brazos using MicroStrategy as per JaimeM. Reached out to DanielY, he can access the APD data using MicroStrategy and do quarterly downloads/extracts. Also, reached out to SaraD, who got me in touch with AuzzieK - as per Auzzie, Brazos provides an intermediary repository for three different data sets which is stored in the cloud. Street checks (warnings), citations, and crashes. Each data set is sent to the appropriate authority for processing via Brazos/Tyler Technology integrations. Some people use the Cognos powered tool provided by Brazos to reach the information directly with a BI Tool. Amy, copied (on email) is the Brazos expert.