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[Bug] WRK21-135015 incorrect inventory routing/status #9550

Closed atdservicebot closed 1 year ago

atdservicebot commented 2 years ago

What application are you using?

Data Tracker

Describe the problem.

WRK21-135015 has a problem. Four items have been JV'd. There are 3 other items (added after the first 4) that have not been JV'd. Because this WO has a back chargeable TK, it is currently in the FDU Review queue.

However, since 4 items have already been JV’d, the Edit Financials screen does not allow any edits to the FDU. The first 4 items that were JV’d never had an FDU review done.

As a result, they were incorrectly charged to the default operating budget FDU. From what I can tell, this occurred because the additional 3 items has been added to the WO and were waiting to be issued at the time Finance ran the “ready for JV” report.

Since there were items waiting to be issued, the WO status changed from “FDU Review” to “Needs to be Issued” when the 3 additional items were added.

This WO status change from “FDU Review” apparently allowed the WO to be included in the “ready for JV” report when it was ran by Finance. I am going to leave all of the items on this WO charged to the operating budget. (This is a $5,400 charge to the operating budget that would have otherwise gone to a capital FDU.)

We need:

  1. A way to have this WO included in the next “ready for JV” report when Finance runs it, and
  2. A way to prevent a WO that is in a “Needs to be Issued” status and has a back chargeable TK listed from having any items on that WO included in a “ready for JV” report unless the items have had the Edit Financials completed.

Is there anything else we should know?

This "bug" apparently does not occur frequently so it does not impact the ability to process most transactions properly. However, when it does occur, it results in one or more items being charged to an incorrect FDU.

This WO is currently in the FDU Review queue. I believe I can demonstrate circumstances that cause it to leave that queue and, as a result, appear to be "ready for JV" when it is not.

Website Address

Internet Browser: Firefox

Requested By Ronnie B.

Attachment (182.46kb)

Request ID: DTS22-104415

dianamartin commented 2 years ago

@johnclary wanted to get your opinions on this..

johnclary commented 2 years ago

@dianamartin i would need to spend time looking at the records to understand what happened in this specific case.

dianamartin commented 2 years ago

@johnclary Ronnie explained it like this: WRK21-135015

When these 3 or 4 records got added it changed the status to "Need to be Issued". So when the JV report ran the 3 or 4 records were JV'd even though they required FDU review from Ronnie.

Now Ronnie is saying he can't edit the FDU information bc it's been JV'd, so it's taking from the wrong budget now.

johnclary commented 2 years ago

like I said, i would need to spend time looking at this to understand exactly where things went wrong. i would suggest that someone start by looking at the transaction history of each checkout to see how/when items were JV'd.

amenity commented 2 years ago

Need to make sure that Brian C is aware of this request.

dianamartin commented 1 year ago

Ronnie emailed 9/29

There are two work orders that I am aware of in the Data Tracker that have had some items JV’d but have additional items that have been issued but have not yet been JV’s.  These are in the FDU Review queue but the Edit Financials will not allow the review due to prior JV Transactions.  Both of these are ready for the pending items to be JV’d, but I do not know of any way I can free them from the FDU Review queue.  Can you manually allow these to clear the FDU Review Queue so they can be processed on the JV that will be done at the end of this week?  </o:p>

Work Order Work Order Status Inventory Request Status   Work Location
WRK21-135015 Closed Review needed DTS will need to manually clear this TXN to be "Ready for JV".  This is in the FDU review but cannot be cleared due to prior JV on work order.  3 items (all cable) are pending.  Will need to go to FDU 5125 2400 3510 as that is where prior items were charged due to a system glitch.  Prior items should have gone to the 8950 TK associated with this TK but this work order did not go to the FDU Review due to items being in the "Needs to be Issued" status at the time the April "Ready for JV" report was ran.  A DTS Service Request was submitted but I do not believe it has been resolved. SPICEWOOD SPRINGS RD / MESA DR
WRK22-147470 Closed Review needed DTS will need to manually clear this TXN to be "Ready for JV".  This is in the FDU review but cannot be cleared due to prior JV on work order.  1 item (cable) is pending.   The 8119 2507 L087 FDU on the work order is correct. PAYTON GIN RD / PARKFIELD DR
dianamartin commented 1 year ago

Fix 1

WRK21-135015 This Inventory Request is "Review needed"

Fix 2

WRK22-147470 This Inventory Request is "Review needed"

dianamartin commented 1 year ago


dianamartin commented 1 year ago

Synced with Ronnie on 9/29