cityofaustin / janis

frontend for joplin
MIT License
16 stars 7 forks source link

🌻 Janis ☮️

Janis is the codename for the software that renders for web browsers. It is a working prototype of static site generation front-end and decoupled CMS architecture.

Janis uses data provided by the CMS API service, Joplin, along with the React components to generate a static-progressive website.

Table of Contents

😃 Getting Started

In order to run Janis locally you need to install Docker. Our team uses Docker for Mac.

Once Docker is installed and you've cloned the code from this repository, you can run the "serve-local" Shell script below to spin up a Docker container and install dependencies within a virtualized environment that replicates the production environment in our Heroku deployment.

As a React App (Developer Mode):

In order to develop locally, you will need to have installed these development tools.

Clone the repository and navigate into the newly downloaded directory.

Install Janis dependencies.

To run with Joplin Data

As a static build To run the site locally as a static build, the way it works in production, see the Static build script section below.

Project Info

This work began under the Austin Digital Services Discovery Project. Design, Technology, and Innovation Fellows worked in partnership between two City departments, Communications Public Information and Communications and Technology Management.

We set out to learn what’s working for other government service providers, then embark on an iterative research, prototyping, and testing process to identify new designs, methods, and technologies.

More high level information about the project from content strategy, user research and design, and development teams is continually updated on our project page.

Project Management

Janis is one piece of a bigger project around content management and technology platforms for the City of Austin.

To manage our roadmap and upcoming issues, we're using a dedicated Github repo, called TechStack, for project management along with Zenhub project boards.

🎨 Design

The design team uses sketch to mock up wireframe and high fidelity comps. The most up to date files can be linked here from Google drive. The parent file for current public interface/janis design files is

Frameworks and Libraries Used

Here are some high-level notes about the open source technologies we are using for this project.

For more information about the concepts and architectural decisions guiding this work, take a break from this README and check out some of what we have written on Medium and our project page:

⚛️ React-Static

This project uses React-Static as a base framework for building static-progressive React applications and websites. It's designed with considerations for SEO, site performance, and user/developer experience.

🌍 React-Intl

This project uses React-Intl to format dates and numbers and handle translations of static content. Some details of our current implementation to be aware of follow:



docker exec --interactive --tty <janis or janis-build> yarn run build-translations

This plugin will NOT remove previously defined translations which are no longer present in the current app definitions. This clean up needs to be done manually at the moment.

📚 Storybook

💅🏼 Prettier

Prettier is an opinionated code formatter that integrates with most editors. You press save and code is formatted.

To set up Prettier check out their editor integrations.

Browser Compatibility

Following the lead of other government digital services groups (USWDS, UK GDS), we're committing to support browsers that represent > 2% of all site traffic recorded in Google Analytics for visitors to

Based on data from 1/1/2018 to 4/16/2018 these are the browsers with > 2% of all site traffic that we commit to support. This list will be reevaluated again when we drop the alpha. subdomain.

Here are Google Analytics screenshots from data range 1/1/2018 to 4/16/2018.

Top Browsers as of 2018-04-16

Top Browsers as of 2018-04-16

Top Browsers by version number as of 2018-04-16

Top Browsers by version number as of 2018-04-16

As this project moves forward, we hope to implement even more comprehensive Browser Support guidelines following the examples of other government agencies like the cfpb.

Manual Testing with BrowserStack

Our team uses BrowserStack to manually check for device and browser compatibility. Our checklist of devices includes (subject to update):




Other Documentation for Developers

Adding dependencies via yarn

This will update your container's yarn.lock and package.json files. Your local host machine's yarn.lock and package.json files will also be updated via mounted docker volumes. These local files are versioned and should be checked into git.

Add a package via yarn (

docker exec --interactive --tty <janis or janis-build> yarn add <package name>

Static build script

Since we use React-Static as our framework to render our React components as a static progressive website, it's important for us to be able to test the final static build locally. In order to do this, we have a script.

To build and serve


Your site will be running on http://localhost:8080/

Testing with Jest

Jest is set up for snapshot testing as well us used for testing our queries. yarn test will run the tests in src/components. If you need to update the snapshots, jest --updateSnapshot.

Testing with Cypress

We have Cypress set up to run integration tests. Tests are located in janis/cypress/integration. To launch the Test Runner use yarn open-cypress or npx cypress open. You must be running janis locally in order to run tests. Here are some example integration tests.

If you would like to update/change the base url used for testing, edit cypress.json.

SASS Guidelines

We're using BEM for CSS naming and organization


Accessibility Guidelines

One advantage for using React components is that we can write reusable HTML-rendering modules that never forget about proper attribute tagging and ARIA labels.

For example, we learned that when we use target="_blank" on an anchor tag, we should add aria-label="Opens in new window" and rel="noopener noreferrer" for security. Now we have a reusable <ExternalLink> component.

more a11y Resources: