cityofcapetown / cape-of-good-place-names

Geospatial utility service developed as a shared iniative between the Western Cape Provincial Government and the City of Cape Town
MIT License
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cape-town geocoding geospatial openapi


Service developed as a shared initiative between the Western Cape Provincial and City of Cape Town

Getting Started

The cogpn-process-address script script provides a minimalist example of using the service in-situ.

script help text:


Utility script for processing an address using the Cape of Good Place Names service

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a ADDRESS, --address ADDRESS
                        Address to process (default: None)
  -u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
                        Username to use for Cape of Good Place Name Service (default: None)
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        Password to use for Cape of Good Place Name Service (default: None)
  -x PROXY, --proxy PROXY
                        Internet proxy address (default: None)
  -xu PROXY_USERNAME, --proxy-username PROXY_USERNAME
                        Internet proxy username (default: None)
  -xp PROXY_PASSWORD, --proxy-password PROXY_PASSWORD
                        Internet proxy password (default: None)
  -s SERVER, --server SERVER
                        Cape of Good Place Name Service server name to use (default:
  -sc SCRUBBER, --scrubber SCRUBBER
                        ID of scrubber result to use (default: PhdcScrubber)
  -gc GEOCODER, --geocoder GEOCODER
                        ID of geocoder result to use (default: CombinedGeocoders)
  -v, --verbose         Verbosity flag (default: False)
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Output file (default: /dev/stdout)

NB Only the ADDRESS, USERNAME and PASSWORD arguments are required. e.g.

$ python3 bin/ --address "Civic Centre, Hertzog Blvd, Foreshore, Cape Town, 8001" \
                                       --username <REDACTED> \
                                       --password <REDACTED>
2020-09-13 13:48:53,275-cogpn-process-address [INFO]: Scrub[ing]...
2020-09-13 13:48:55,155-cogpn-process-address [INFO]: ...Scrub[ed]
2020-09-13 13:48:55,155-cogpn-process-address [INFO]: Geocod[ing]...
2020-09-13 13:48:56,356-cogpn-process-address [INFO]: ...Geocod[ed]
{"features": [{"geometry": {"coordinates": [18.429321515724716, -33.92070341399093], "type": "Point"}, "properties": {"geocoders": ["CCT", "Google"]}, "type": "Feature"}], "type": "FeatureCollection"}


This service is defined using an OpenAPI specification, the service's specification file is here.

Client Code

This means that client code for interacting with the service can be generated from the specification for most languages.

Python Client

A python client has been generated and checked into the source repo src/clients/python. It will get updated when/if the API spec gets updated.

Installing from this repo:

  1. Install the requirements: pip3 install -r /local/src/clients/python/requirements.txt
  2. Install the package itself: python3 install /local/src/clients/python/

The cogpn-process-address script assumes that it has been installed.

Implementing the client in a new language

Server Code

The basis for the server implementation is also generated from the specification. This should be done infrequently, as/ when the API specification changes.

  1. Validate the OpenAPI spec using the IBM OpenAPI validator: lint-openapi docs/cogpn-spec.yaml
  2. Generate the server implementation in /src using Swagger codegen:
    docker run -v ${PWD}:/local openapitools/openapi-generator-cli generate -i "/local/docs/cogpn-spec.yaml" \
                                                                           -c "/local/docs/cogpn-spec-config.json" \
                                                                           -g "python-flask" \
                                                                           -o "/local/src/server"
  3. Fix permission issues: sudo chown ${USER}:${USER} -R src

The server's generated README will be here