civictechdc / opendatadc

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Welcome to the github page for the Code for DC Data portal.

What Is the Code for DC Data Portal?

Hopefully you've already found Code for DC. If not, click the link and learn about how we are a 501c3 non-profit engaged in volunteer civic hacking. The volunteers of Code for DC use their tech related skills to work on projects that hopefully make the lives of DC residents and visitors a bit better. This Data Portal is one of those projects. Here we collect gobs of data and make it easily available so that people can conduct research, make visualizations, or teach themselves the tools of data analysis / data science.

Is This the DC Government's Data Portal?

No, it is not. Code for DC is not associated with the DC Government, although we do collaborate from time to time. Our page is this: Follow this link to the DC Government page: Open Data DC.

What's the Difference?

Well, 1) someone gets paid to make government page, so it's currently a bit prettier than ours. 2) The DC Government page has specific responsibilities and authorities of what they are supposed to collect. We can be somewhat more broad in the data we have as the datasets don't have to come from official government sources.

I'm Interested in Data. How Can I Help?

Great. We can always use help. We have both very short projects as well as longer term heavy lifts to fit your volunteer desires. We like to see this overall project divided into three streams.

We have a Trello Board that contains current and future tasking. Ask one of the project leads to get you set up properly if you want to take on a task.

What if I'm Unsure of My Data Skills?

That is no problem at all! Everyone has to start somewhere. The project leads enjoy walking people through some of the analysis we've done before and are happy to show you how to get set up with tools like R so that you can get started. No question is too small.

This repository is an open-source project for, a CKAN data portal run by Code for DC.