civilnetworks / bug-reports

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CivilGamers Bug Reports

This is for bug reports about the CivilGamers DarkRP server and the CivilCity CityRP server. Reports against players, however, should instead be made in-game by using "@\<message>" or made in a post over on our forums. You can make bug reports on the CivilGamers's GitHub here or by typing "!bugreport" in-game at anytime.

Abusable, game-breaking, or otherwise sensitive bugs and exploits should be addressed to a Senior Admin, a Super Admin, or Management privately. Abusing these bugs without reporting them will lead to a permanent ban, so report them and you may receive a bug bounty!


There are a lot of issues on the repository, so if you want to assist with the repo, check any issues labeled with "Need Verification" or "Need Info", and provide consistant steps to reproduce them alongside evidence or information about them.