cjbrunner / chrisweb

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This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app. It's mostly just a personal space to for me to practice with Next.js and React, but I also have a little Sonos app that talks to the Sonos Node API I have running on a Raspberry Pi elsewhere in the house. Eventually it's going to also host code to access my old blog locally if I want to look up something there.

Sonos Controller

A front-end React app designed to interface with a Sonos Node API running elsewhere on the network. For situations where the official Sonos control apps are unavailable or is otherwise not wanted.

Getting Started

To run the development server:

npm run dev

Open http://localhost:3000/sonos with your browser to see the Sonos controller app.

Main app root page is src/app/sonos/page.tsx.

Building and deploying

To build a production server

npm run build

To run server after building

npm run start


This application can also be Dockerized.


Updater script

There is a simple script that automatically builds, stops, and starts a new Docker-based server.

Blog viewer