cluster_version: This variable controls the version of the cluster and allows for the pulling of operators and additional images (for the cluster) via oc-mirror. This requires an active subscription with a pull secret in ~/.docker/config.json. It will pull all the required binaries along with some additional nice-to-haves (such as Butane).
cluster_deployment: This variable controls how the cluster is deployed. It will generate the install-config and agent-config based on configured variables.
static this is used to set things that very rarely change or set variables defined in other vars, that are built ontop of other variables
The current goal for post-install configuration is to deploy ArgoCD and have it manage the configuration and enforcement.
To assist with this, a local Git repository will be configured as described in this article.
View notes on recommended procedures for vm migrations
This started as as a fork from hyperkineticnerd/ansible-ocp4-agent, but we have since diverged quite a bit away, but still would like to give credit.