cjolif / dojo-todo-app

Dojo ToDo App
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To Do Application - This is a ToDo sample application based on dojox/app, dojox/mobile & dojox/mvc modules

Authors: Christophe Jolif, Eric Wang, Ed Chatelain, Chris Mitchell

Demo description

This demonstrates how dojox/app, dojox/mobile & dojox/mvc can be used
together to create a real application.



Installation instructions

Simply run the included demo.html

To build, use the supplied demo.profile.js as your profileFile

If you are using this project from github when doing a checkout you will want to put it in the demos directory and use the name "todoApp", if a different directory name is used the themes will not work correctly.

Known Limitations:

1) This app is really only usable for tracking to do's, because all of the Reminder functions are no-op'd due to limitations.

It's not possible to properly implement the Remind me settings without:

a) Notification Backend to check/send the reminders on a date.
b) No local/offline background timer process available--might be able to do this with Phonegap.
c) Check-in/location checking mechanism/backend (plus 1 above)

For now, these features are no-op'd

2) The items and lists are only saved in memory, so if the browser is refreshed your updates are lost.

@rank:194 @categories:mobile