cjquines / qboard

The efficient digital whiteboard.
MIT License
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The efficient digital whiteboard.

qboard is a wholly client-side whiteboard app with efficient keyboard shortcuts, to make drawing feel as seamless as possible. In the spirit of Vim, it's possible to do everything that isn't drawing without moving your hands. It's hosted on my website. Here's a demo video.


Here are the default keybindings:

Image showing default key bindings

Tab cycles through three toolbar visibilities: the full toolbar, a status pane, and completely hidden. Shift snaps lines to multiples of 45°, and makes squares and circles.

X is Cut when there's something selected, and Eraser when nothing is selected. The Eraser is element level: it removes entire paths. You can use X to delete whatever you have selected. E or R, when already that color, resets it to black.

There are also keybindings with Shift and Ctrl, which you can view in-app. Other neat things you can do:

Design principles

qboard is made for seamless lecturing. It's designed to be easy to use and nice to look at while sharing your screen. It should also be easy to share what you've written afterward as a PDF. This guides some of its principles:

There are some sense to the default keybindings:

Although initially designed for giving lectures, the whiteboard controls are pretty good.

Frequently asked questions

My saved file won't open. Help!

There was a short period of time when we used a different file format for our JSON files. It's very unlikely that you have such a file. In case you do, you can make it compatible with the modern qboard app by taking the file and wrapping the contents like so:

  "qboard-version": 1,

If we have released a new file version beyond version 1, just opening any old files and saving them again will update them to the latest version.

Implementation details

It's build on the nwb toolkit, which handles React, Webpack, and Babel. We're using Typescript. The main app is mostly powered through Fabric.js, with KeyboardJS handling keybindings, and pdfmake handling exporting to PDF.

We extend the Fabric canvas to a Page class with some convenience functions. The Pages class stores pages in a JSON array; whenever we switch pages, we remove all the objects in the canvas and reload from memory. In other words, we only store the live objects for the current page; all other pages are stored serialized. Boards are serialized to JSON just by collecting the serialized array, and adding a small amount of metadata to ensure compatibility. A saved qboard file is thus entirely human-readable, though since it also stores paths, it may be unwieldy.

We also work with two canvas elements. The top canvas is a temporary one that renders lines, ellipses, and rectangles as they're being drawn, and after they're drawn, they're removed and added to the base canvas. The base canvas handles everything else: the move tool, free drawing, the eraser, and so on; the top canvas is hidden for these operations. This is for performance reasons, so the base canvas doesn't have to rerender every time the mouse moves on the top canvas.

The main source is qboard.ts, which handles listening to mouse events and switching tools. Everything else is delegated to handlers, which are in individual files:


Running npm start will start a development server, which watches source files for changes. Run npm run build to generate the static application files, suitable for hosting or offline use. We have linters; run the full suite with npm run lint, and automatically fix most warnings/errors with npm run lint:fix. If you maintain a top-level deploy.js file, you can build the files and deploy in one step by running npm run deploy. We also have a Dockerfile which runs the development server in a container; build the image with docker build -t qboard ., then run with docker run -d --name qboard qboard. Note that this server is not suitable for production use; just host the static files instead.

The FabricJS file is huge and it doesn't support tree shaking, so the qboard demo at cjquines.com uses a custom build. It includes gestures, animation, free drawing, interaction, serialization, fabric.Rect, fabric.Ellipse, fabric.Image, fabric.Line, and window.fabric, which I think is the absolute minimum needed for it to work. (Do note that custom build currently has issues, though. If you encounter errors, you may wish to try this demo, which uses the full build.)