cjrh / lifter

Download and sync new releases of single-file binaries from Github Releases and other sites
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Add httpie #150

Open cjrh opened 2 years ago

cjrh commented 2 years ago

Provides a single-file binary in releases: https://github.com/httpie/httpie/releases/tag/3.2.1

cjrh commented 1 year ago

Tried to add this, with this config:

template = github_release_latest
project = httpie/httpie
anchor_text = http
version = 0.0.0

However, I get this error:

$ cargo run -- -f http -vv
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.08s
     Running `target/debug/lifter -f http -vv`
INFO - [http] Found a match on versions tag: 3.2.1
INFO - [http] Downloading version 3.2.1
WARN - [http] Failed to match known file extensions. Skipping.

Since there is no extension, I would have expected this to download like a binary, but that didn't happen for some reason.

wallies commented 1 year ago

@cjrh I tried this as well and got the same result. This logic doesnt look quite right as i would of thought it would get in here https://github.com/cjrh/lifter/blob/master/src/lib.rs#L237 but it doesnt

cjrh commented 1 year ago

Yeah something odd is happening there. I just need to debug it.

wallies commented 1 year ago

Is it just grabbing the last 8 characters cos that would get the last 8 of thus https://github.com/httpie/httpie/releases/download/3.1.0/http, which has a dot in it. Probably needs to only get dot after / character

cjrh commented 1 year ago

That could be it yeah.