cjrh / lifter

Download and sync new releases of single-file binaries from Github Releases and other sites
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
13 stars 4 forks source link
binaries cli package-manager sync

[!IMPORTANT] This is an alpha-quality hobby project. I do use this tool myself, but I started this project mainly to learn rust. While I appreciate community input, I don't have much extra time to spend on this and I'll be unresponsive to issue reports. I will however happily merge PRs with improvements.


Would you like to automatically download cool binaries like ripgrep, fzf, bat, as soon as a new version is posted on their Github Releases pages? And would you like this to work for all websites where such binaries are posted, not only Github?

lifter is a CLI tool for downloading single-file executables from sites like Github that make them available, and only downloading newer versions when available.

Nearly all projects that make CLI tools, like say ripgrep, put those binary artifacts in Github releases; but then we have to wait until someone packages those binaries into various OS distro package managers so that we can get them via apt or yum or chocolatey. No more waiting! lifter will download directly from the Github Releases page, if there is a new version released.

Why the name?

$ dictomatic lifter
lifter  noun    a thief who steals goods that are in a store
lifter  noun    an athlete who lifts barbells

Take your pick. (By the way, dictomatic is another one of my hobby projects, and lifter will download that binary for you too.)


Requires the presence of a lifter.config file alongside the binary. You can use the example one in this repo.

$ ls -lh | rg lifter
.rwxrwxr-x  6.9M caleb  2 Apr 12:27  lifter
.rw-rw-r--   14k caleb  2 Apr 14:41  lifter.config
$ ./lifter -vv
INFO - [thesauromatic.exe] Found a match on versions tag: Alpha, includes bumpversion
INFO - [thesauromatic.exe] Found version is not newer: Alpha, includes bumpversion; Skipping.
INFO - [tokei] Found a match on versions tag: v12.1.2
INFO - [tokei] Found version is not newer: v12.1.2; Skipping.
INFO - [ncspot] Found a match on versions tag: v0.7.3
INFO - [ncspot] Found version is not newer: v0.7.3; Skipping.
INFO - [starship.exe] Found a match on versions tag: v0.55.0
INFO - [starship.exe] Found version is not newer: v0.55.0; Skipping.
INFO - [caddy] Found a match on versions tag: v2.4.3
INFO - [caddy] Found version is not newer: v2.4.3; Skipping.
INFO - [gitea] Found a match on versions tag: v1.14.3
INFO - [gitea] Found version is not newer: v1.14.3; Skipping.
INFO - [ripgrep] Found a match on versions tag: 13.0.0
INFO - [ripgrep] Found version is not newer: 13.0.0; Skipping.
INFO - [sd] Found a match on versions tag: v0.7.6
INFO - [sd] Found version is not newer: v0.7.6; Skipping.
INFO - [fzf] Found a match on versions tag: 0.27.2
INFO - [fzf] Found version is not newer: 0.27.2; Skipping.
INFO - [bat] Found a match on versions tag: v0.18.1
INFO - [bat] Found version is not newer: v0.18.1; Skipping.
INFO - [fcp] Found a match on versions tag: v0.1.0
INFO - [fcp] Found version is not newer: v0.1.0; Skipping.
INFO - [ripgrep Windows] Found a match on versions tag: 13.0.0
INFO - [ripgrep Windows] Found version is not newer: 13.0.0; Skipping.
INFO - [dictomatic] Found a match on versions tag: First release
INFO - [dictomatic] Found version is not newer: First release; Skipping.
$ ls -l | rg rg
.rwxr-xr-x  5.5M caleb  8 Feb  0:26  rg
.rwxrwxr-x  5.1M caleb  8 Feb  0:26  rg.exe

Unlike most package managers like apt, scoop, brew, chocolatey and many others that focus on a single operating system, lifter can download binaries for multiple operating systems and simply place those in a directory. I regularly work on computers with different operating systems and I like my tools to travel with me. By merely copying (or syncing) my "binaries" directory, I have everything available regardless of whether I'm on Linux or Windows.

This design only works because these applications can be deployed as single-file exectuables. For more complex applications, a heavier OS-specific package manager will be required.


You just run the lifter binary, and it'll download the binaries.

There is a sample configuration file, lifter.config that lets you specify which applications you want, and from where. lifter will keep track of the most recent version, so it is cheap to rerun if nothing's changed.

This repo contains an example lifter.config file that you can use as a starting point. It already contains sections for many popular golang and rustlang single-file-executable programs, like ripgrep, fzf, starship, and many others.

lifter works with other sites besides Github. The sample lifter.config includes a definition for downloading the amazing redbean binary from @jart's site https://justine.lol/redbean/. You should check out that project, it's wild.


You can automate lifter using cron. Run $ crontab -e and then add:

24 22 * * * /path/to/lifter -w /path/for/downloads/


I said that lifter is for fetching CLI binaries. That's what I'm using it for, but it's more than that. It's an engine for downloading things from web pages. It works like a web scraper. There is a declarative mechanism for specifying how to find the download item on a page. You do have to do a bit of work to figure out the right CSS to target the download link correctly.

NOTE: this section is out of date because of the switch from page scraping to calling the Github API

Let's look at the ripgrep configuration entry:

page_url = https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep/releases/
anchor_tag = html main div.release-entry div.release-main-section details a
anchor_text = ripgrep-(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz
version_tag = div.release-header a
target_filename_to_extract_from_archive = rg
version = 12.1.1

[ripgrep Windows]
page_url = https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep/releases/
anchor_tag = html main div.release-entry div.release-main-section details a
anchor_text = ripgrep-(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc.zip
version_tag = div.release-header a
target_filename_to_extract_from_archive = rg.exe
version = 12.1.1

Each section will download a file; one for Linux and one for Windows. The anchor_tag is the CSS selector for finding a section that contains the target download link.

If there are many tags matching the anchor_tag, all of them will be checked to match the required anchor_text. This is how the Github Releases page works. In one "release" section, there can be many file downloads available. For example, one for each target architecture. So the anchor_tag, alone, is not enough to target the specific target file.

For that, we have the anchor_text: a regular expression that will try to match the text of a specific <a> tag for all the <a> tags in the items contained within the anchor_tag section. We're looking for the specific <a> tag for the final download. In our ripgrep example, the text regex contains placeholders for the version number (the \d values for integers as part of the filename). These are discarded because we find the version number in a different way, further below.

That's all that is needed to download the target file.

Two more details require explanation: tracking the version number, and dealing with archives. For the version number, we have the version_tag, which is also a CSS selector to find a DOM element containing the version number to attach to the downloaded file. This version will also be stored and updated in lifter.config. It is plausible that you might have a situation with a (non-Github) target page where the version number does not exist in its own DOM element. This scenario is currently unsupported. I think I've come across it on a Sourceforge page, for example.

Finally, archives. Not all Github Releases artifacts are archives, some are just the executables themselves. But in the ripgrep examples above, the Linux download is a .tar.gz file, while the Windows download is a .zip. By default, lifter will search within the archive to find a file that matches the name of that section. So if a section is called [sd] then lifter will search for a file called sd inside the .tar.gz archive for that item. Likewise, for the section called [sd.exe], it'll look for sd.exe inside the zipfile for that section.

To override this, all you have to do is set the field target_filename_to_extract_from_archive. If this is present, lifter will use that name, rather than the name of the section to find the target file. archive. For example, in our ripgrep examples, we called the section name, say, [ripgrep Windows], but the file that we intend to extract from the archive is called rg.exe. This is why we set the target filename for extraction, explicitly. For ripgrep, we could remove the target filename setting if the section names were changed to [rg] and [rg.exe]. In this case, the section names would be the filenames lookup up in each respective archive.

Sometimes things aren't so neat and we'd prefer to rename whatever is inside the archive. Consider the config for [fcp]:

template = github_release_latest
project = Svetlitski/fcp
target_filename_to_extract_from_archive = fcp-0.1.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
desired_filename = fcp
anchor_text = fcp-(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.zip
version = v0.1.0

In this case, the name of the target executable as it appears inside the release archive is fcp-0.1.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu. We would prefer that it be called fcp after extraction. To force this, set the desired_filename field. The extracted executable will be renamed to this after extraction.


The description given in the Details section above is accurate but laborious. It turns out that the CSS targeting is common for all projects on the same site, e.g., Github Releases pages. Thus, there is support for templates in the config file definition.

If you look at the example lifter.config file in this repo, what you actually see for ripgrep is the following:

page_url = https://github.com/{project}/releases
anchor_tag = html main details a
version_tag = div.release-header a

template = github_release_latest
project = BurntSushi/ripgrep
anchor_text = ripgrep-(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz
target_filename_to_extract_from_archive = rg
version = 13.0.0

template = github_release_latest
project = starship/starship
anchor_text = starship-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc.zip
version = v0.55.0

What actually happens at runtime is that if a section, like ripgrep, assigns a template, all the fields from that template are copied into that section's declarations. In the example above, page_url, anchor_tag, and version_tag will be copied into each of the sections for [ripgrep] and [starship.exe].

If you look carefully, you'll see that the template value for page_url above contains the variable {project}. That will be substituted for the value of project that is declared inside each of the sections. In the above example, page_url will be expanded to

page_url = https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep/releases

for the [ripgrep] section, and expanded to

page_url = https://github.com/starship/starship/releases

for the [starship.exe] project.

Github API

Github made a change to their Releases pages that requires running JavaScript to get the page to fully render. This change was likely made to break scrapers like lifter. I have a working branch that uses embedded Chrome to fully render pages (with JS) that works---but for now I've implemented a method that uses the Github API to download binaries, rather than scrape. I will monitor how smoothly this goes and if it becomes too tedious I'll switch back from the API to scraping with the embedded browser engine.

Using the API has both benefits and downsides. The only benefit for lifter is that there might be more stability in the API than in the Releases HTML page structure. Scrapers usually suffer if websites are updated frequently, in incompatible ways. There are several downsides to using the API:

Because of these changes, the earlier description of how to configure lifter will no longer work. However, the configuration is nearly the same, except for two differences.

The first difference is in the config file, lifter.config. The template section near the top must be written like this:

method = api_json
page_url = https://api.github.com/repos/{project}/releases/latest
version_tag = $.tag_name
anchor_tag = $.assets.*.browser_download_url

Note the change from github_release_latest to github_api_latest. Then, simply change the template value only. Here's the example for ripgrep:

template = github_api_latest
project = BurntSushi/ripgrep
anchor_text = ripgrep-(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz
target_filename_to_extract_from_archive = rg
version = 13.0.0

It is identical, except for the template value which now refers to the new one.

The second change is that you must provide a personal access token as an env var:

$ GITHUB_TOKEN=ghp_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx lifter -vv

It will run without specifying the token, but the rate limits come very quickly, after only a handful of repos are checked.

Geek creds

Lifter can update itself. The config entry required to allow lifter to update itself looks like:

template = github_api_latest
project = cjrh/lifter
anchor_text = lifter-(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz
version = 0.1.1

template = github_api_latest
project = cjrh/lifter
anchor_text = lifter-(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc.zip
version = 0.1.1

Other alternatives


If all you want is to download binaries from Github, then Huber is a probably a better choice than lifter.

Huber is a similar project that also uses the Github API to download binaries. It has a lot more features than lifter, and is more mature.

Instead of a more general tool that is build around a "scraping" mindset, Huber focuses specifically on Github releases via the Github API. Huber makes it quite easy to list out various projects, and for each project to list the available versions, based on what is available on the Github Releases page for that project.

Huber has a "managed" list of projects that it can download. I have been thinking about adding a similar feature to lifter, but I haven't done it yet. For now you have to manage your lifter.config yourself.

Given that Huber exists, I'm going to focus lifter on being a more general tool that can download from any site, not just Github.


A pre-existing project doing something similar is webinstall. By comparison, lifter:

webinstall is however more complex than lifter. lifter needs only itself (binary) and the lifter.config file to work.