cjss-group / CJSS

A CSS based web framework
MIT License
670 stars 20 forks source link


A CSS based web framework

Also, don’t use this project, especially not for anything serious. This is a joke and thought experiment. I won’t help you work through bugs.

To install CJSS, add the JavaScript to your website.


Your editor probably has a plugin for automatically linting as you type.

The demo website can be built by leaving npm run dev running, and opening demo/index.html in your web browser.

Using CJSS

First off, everything happens in your CSS file. You can layer this into your websites as you see fit. You can use this to layer on just a little bit more functionality in your CSS here and there or construct an entire page. It’s up to you!


To add markup to an element, select it in your CSS file, then use --body: html(your markup here); to add your HTML. This markup will appear everywhere that matches your CSS selector and overwrite whatever was there before.

h1 {
  --body: html(
    This is a headline

If you wish to pass content through a component, use ${yield}.

<component>My Component</component>
component {
    <p>This is a component</p>

This will render as:

  <h2>My Component</h2>
  <p>This is a component</p>


You can use JavaScript to define the behavior of things right from your HTML. You want something to happen when you click on an element, but don’t want to go into your JS file? Do it right from your CSS file. If you are selecting the script element it will assume you are writing a global script, but everywhere else, the keyword this will map to the selector you are in.

.item {
  cursor: pointer;
  --script: js(
    function toggle() {
    this.addEventListener('click', toggle );


You can add data to your project. This is probably useful for something. Do it using the --data attribute. It should be formatted as JSON.

nav {
  --data: json({
    "name": ["one", "two", "three"],
    "link": ["#one", "#two", "#three"]
  --body: html(
    <a class="item" href="https://github.com/cjss-group/CJSS/blob/master/${data.link[0]}">${data.name[0]}</a>
    <a class="item" href="https://github.com/cjss-group/CJSS/blob/master/${data.link[1]}">${data.name[1]}</a>
    <a class="item" href="https://github.com/cjss-group/CJSS/blob/master/${data.link[2]}">${data.name[2]}</a>
  --script: js(console.log(data));



There are four stages to each build: data, prepare, body and element. The return value is used as the following stage’s data (if anything is returned at all), except for the body stage, when the return value is used as the new child structure of the element.

Not all stages have to be used, but only one script can exist at each level.


JSON: only for the data stage. The code given will be wrapped in curly braces and parsed as JSON without interpolation.


This can only be used for the body stage. The code given will be treated as a JavaScript template string, so interpolation is possible with ${}.

You have access to the variables data (as set in previous build steps) and yield (the HTML code of the contents). Note that this mode will destroy any event listeners previously bound to the children of the element.

javascript, json

JavaScript: for any stage. There are two modes: js and js-expr.

You always have access to the variable data (as set in previous build steps), and during the body stage you also have yield (an array of node contents). This means that events and other properties remain bound, unlike in HTML, which goes via innerHTML.

In the body stage, the return value is used to replace the contents of the element. If the return value is undefined, no changes are made, otherwise the existing contents are removed. If a string is provided, it is parsed as HTML. If a node is returned, it is added directly as the only child. If an array is returned, its elements are recursively added as nodes or text nodes.

In any other stage, the return value is assigned as data for the use of the future build phases. If no object is returned, the value of data is not updated.

Plugin developers

To use this project, either import the root folder (import * as CJSS from 'cjss'), or load the minified script in your HTML. Both ways will achieve the same effect: a new object CJSS with the following methods and properties:


What to watch carousel by Richard Ekwonye

Fork CJSS and play with it yourself on Codepen