.. You should enable this project on travis-ci.org and coveralls.io to make these badges work. The necessary Travis and Coverage config files have been generated for you.
.. image:: https://github.com/ckan/ckanext-showcase/workflows/Tests/badge.svg?branch=master :target: https://github.com/ckan/ckanext-showcase/actions
.. image:: https://codecov.io/gh/ckan/ckanext-showcase/branch/master/graph/badge.svg :target: https://codecov.io/gh/ckan/ckanext-showcase
Showcase and link to datasets in use. Datasets used in an app, website or visualization, or featured in an article, report or blog post can be showcased within the CKAN website. Showcases can include an image, description, tags and external link. Showcases may contain several datasets, helping users discover related datasets being used together. Showcases can be discovered by searching and filtered by tag.
Site sysadmins can promote selected users to become 'Showcase Admins' to help create, populate and maintain showcases.
ckanext-showcase is intended to be a more powerful replacement for the 'Related Item' feature.
Tested on CKAN 2.9 to 2.11.
Note: Use 1.5.2
for older CKAN versions (2.7 and 2.8).
.. Add any additional install steps to the list below. For example installing any non-Python dependencies or adding any required config settings.
To install ckanext-showcase:
Activate your CKAN virtual environment, for example::
. /usr/lib/ckan/default/bin/activate
Install the ckanext-showcase Python package into your virtual environment::
pip install ckanext-showcase
Add showcase
to the ckan.plugins
setting in your CKAN
config file (by default the config file is located at
Create the database tables::
ckan db upgrade -p showcase
Restart CKAN.
To install ckanext-showcase for development, activate your CKAN virtualenv and do::
git clone https://github.com/ckan/ckanext-showcase.git
cd ckanext-showcase
pip install -e .
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
The extension contains a custom build of CKEditor to allow using a WYSIWYG editor
to write the content of the showcase. It has been built using webpack
and the
repository contains all the files needed to edit and customize it if needed::
npm install
npx webpack --config webpack.config.js
Build anatomy
More info on how to build CKEditor from source: https://ckeditor.com/docs/ckeditor5/latest/installation/getting-started/quick-start-other.html#building-the-editor-from-source
All actions in the Showcase extension are available in the CKAN Action API.
Showcase actions::
- create a new showcase (sysadmins and showcase admins only)
curl -X POST -H "Authorization:{YOUR-API-KEY}" -d '{"name": "my-new-showcase"}'
- delete a showcase (sysadmins and showcase admins only)
curl -X POST -H "Authorization:{YOUR-API-KEY}" -d '{"name": "my-new-showcase"}'
- show a showcase
curl -X POST -d '{"id": "my-new-showcase"}'
- list showcases
curl -X POST -d ''
Dataset actions::
- add a dataset to a showcase (sysadmins and showcase admins only)
curl -X POST -H "Authorization:{YOUR-API-KEY}" -d '{"showcase_id": "my-showcase", "package_id": "my-package"}'
- remove a dataset from a showcase (sysadmins and showcase admins only)
curl -X POST -H "Authorization:{YOUR-API-KEY}" -d '{"showcase_id": "my-showcase", "package_id": "my-package"}'
- list datasets in a showcase
curl -X POST -d '{"showcase_id": "my-showcase"}'
- list showcases featuring a given dataset
curl -X POST -d '{"package_id": "my-package"}'
Showcase admin actions::
- add showcase admin (sysadmins only)
curl -X POST -H "Authorization:{YOUR-API-KEY}" -d '{"username": "bert"}'
- remove showcase admin (sysadmins only)
curl -X POST -H "Authorization:{YOUR-API-KEY}" -d '{"username": "bert"}'
- list showcase admins (sysadmins only)
curl -X POST -H "Authorization:{YOUR-API-KEY}" -d ''
The Showcase extension adds the following pages to the user interface:
The main showcase index is available on:
To create a new showcase:
To edit or delete a showcase:{showcase-name}
To add a Showcase Admin :
If you want to use the WYSIWYG editor instead of Markdown to write the content of the showcase::
ckanext.showcase.editor = ckeditor
When using CKEditor as WYSIWYG editor showcases notes are stored in HTML
instead of Markdown. To migrate all existing notes from markdown to
HTML you can use the showcase markdown_to_html
From the ckanext-showcase
ckan -c {path to production.ini} showcase markdown-to-html
To run the tests, do::
pytest --ckan-ini=test.ini ckanext/showcase/tests
ckanext-showcase should be availabe on PyPI as https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ckanext-showcase. If that link doesn't work, then you can register the project on PyPI for the first time by following these steps:
Create a source distribution of the project::
python setup.py sdist
Register the project::
python setup.py register
Upload the source distribution to PyPI::
python setup.py sdist upload
Tag the first release of the project on GitHub with the version number from
the setup.py
file. For example if the version number in setup.py
0.0.1 then do::
git tag 0.0.1 git push --tags
ckanext-showcase is availabe on PyPI as https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ckanext-showcase. To publish a new version to PyPI follow these steps:
Update the version number in the setup.py
See PEP 440 <http://legacy.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0440/#public-version-identifiers>
for how to choose version numbers.
Create a source distribution of the new version::
python setup.py sdist
Upload the source distribution to PyPI::
python setup.py sdist upload
Tag the new release of the project on GitHub with the version number from
the setup.py
file. For example if the version number in setup.py
0.0.2 then do::
git tag 0.0.2 git push --tags
See: "Internationalizing strings in extensions" : http://docs.ckan.org/en/latest/extensions/translating-extensions.html
Install babel
pip install Babel
Init Catalog for your language
python setup.py init_catalog -l es
Compile your language catalog ( You can force pybabel compile to compile messages marked as fuzzy with the -f)
python setup.py compile_catalog -f -l es