ckeditor / ckeditor4-workflows-common

Shared CKEditor 4 GitHub workflows.
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CKEditor 4 Workflows Common

Shared CKEditor 4 GitHub workflows.

How it works?

The main function of this repository is to propagate common workflows and keep them up to date.

The setup-workflows.yml workflow checkouts this repository once a day in the target repository and updates (or creates) all common workflows. Common workflows are stored in workflows/ directory here and are copied to .github/workflows/ directory in a target repository. There is also setup-workflows.yml workflow there, which means, once it is set it will auto-update itself too.


  1. Copy workflows/setup-workflows.yml workflow to your repository as .github/workflows/setup-workflows.yml.
  2. Setup secrets.GH_BOT_USERNAME and secrets.GH_BOT_EMAIL to GitHub user which has a push access to your repository.
  3. Setup secrets.GH_WORKFLOWS_TOKEN to GitHub token which has write and workflows permissions.

Optional configuration

Some workflows may be altered by configuration options (refer to Available workflows section below). The configuration file is optional and not present by default. If needed, it should be added to any repository using common workflows as .github/workflows-config.json file.

Loading configuration file

For any workflow which needs to load and use configuration values, it is recommended to load config as soon as possible (so right after checkout) using jq like:

- name: Read config
  run: |
    if [[ -f "./.github/workflows-config.json" ]]; then
      CONFIG=$( jq -c .setupWorkflows './.github/workflows-config.json' )
    echo "Workflow config: $CONFIG"

Then, further in the workflow any step can use ${{ env.CONFIG }} variable and read any configuration properties like:

AS_PR=$(echo '${{ env.CONFIG }}' | jq -r ".pushAsPullRequest")

If the workflow can be also triggered manually, it is usually useful to provide a way to use custom config for such runs, for example:

        description: 'Config'
        required: false
        default: ''


- name: Read config
  run: |
    if [[ ! -z '${{ github.event.inputs.config }}' ]]; then
      CONFIG='${{ github.event.inputs.config }}'
    elif [[ -f "./.github/workflows-config.json" ]]; then
      CONFIG=$( jq -c .setupWorkflows './.github/workflows-config.json' )
    echo "Workflow config: $CONFIG"

Available workflows


This is the main workflow responsible for propagating all common workflows. When it is added to any other repository it checkouts this repository and copies all common workflows from workflows/ directory to .github/workflows/ one. It is run once a day (at 02:00 UTC) so any changes are propagated on a daily basis. See workflows/setup-workflows.yml file.

It is a cron job task so will be triggered only on main repository branch.

Required secrets

Optional configuration


Workflow responsible for handling stale issues and PRs. It is a cron job task so will be triggered only on a main repository branch. See workflows/stalebot.yml file.

Required secrets


Other requirements

Since this workflow uses labels to mark stale issues/PRs, labels should be already defined in the target repository:


Workflow responsible for updating NPM dependencies. It is run on 1st and 15th day of each month (at 05:00 UTC) and creates two PRs - one for dev dependencies and one for production ones (if there are any outdated dependencies). It checks package.json file in the repository root and uses npm-check to update all dev/prod dependencies (which means package.json versioning is not respected). It is a cron job task so will be triggered only on main repository branch. See workflows/update-deps.yml file.

Required secrets

Optional configuration


Running tests

To run tests, create .env file with the following variables:

Then run:

npm test

Adding tests

Tests case for new workflows should be added in tests/fixtures directory - for example new-workflow.yml should be covered with tests from tests/fixtures/new-workflow.js. The test file should export array of tests cases (see example below).

New test cases for existing workflows should be added in their test file in tests/fixtures directory with the same name.

All additional files required for tests should be added in tests/assets directory.

Each setup has similar structure:

For example:

    name: 'setup-workflows direct PR',
    workflow: 'setup-workflows.yml',
    branch: 'master',
    config: {
        'updateDeps': {
            'targetBranch': 'master'
    fileList: [
            src: 'deps-package.json',
            dest: 'package.json'