ckghosted / disentangle-based-hallucination

disentangle-based data hallucination for few-shot learning
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disentangle-based data hallucination for few-shot learning

Data Splits

The data splits are provided in the data-split folder as json files. Please refer to the following python code:

import json

train_path = './data-split/mini-imagenet/base.json'

with open(train_path, 'r') as reader:
    train_dict = json.loads(

train_image_list = train_dict['image_names']
train_class_list = train_dict['image_labels']

1. N-way K-shot Episodic Evaluation

Step 0

Setup experiment environment

mkdir -p mini-imagenet/episodic
cd mini-imagenet/episodic
ln -s [path to json files] ./json_folder
ln -s [path to python files] ./py_folder

Step 1

Use and to train a ResNet-18 backbone using the base-class split (base.json) and (optionally) extract all base/val/novel features (saved as pickle files: base_feat, val_feat, and novel_feat).

# Execute the following code under the 'mini-imagenet/episodic' directory.
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=2 python3 ./py_folder/ \
--result_path . \
--model_name ResNet18_img224_base_ep100_val_centerCrop \
--n_class 64 \
--train_path ./json_folder/base.json \
--num_epoch 100 \
--bsize 128 \
--lr_start 1e-3 \
--lr_decay 0.5 \
--lr_decay_step 10 \
--use_aug \
--with_BN \
--center_crop \
--run_extraction > ./log_ResNet18_img224_base_ep100_val_centerCrop

# set link to the extractor folder (execute 'unlink ext1' if necessary)
ln -s ./ResNet18_img224_base_ep100_val_centerCrop ./ext1

Step 2

Use and to run episodic training (on base classes), validation (on validation classes), and the final evaluation (on novel classes) directly. Please refer to the following examples to execute those files. Averaged accuracy will be printed during execution.


CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 ./script_folder/ \
--result_path . \
--extractor_folder ext1 \
--hallucinator_name HAL_PN_cGAN_m5n1a10q75_ep100_lr1e5_shot01a20 \
--n_way 5 \
--n_shot 1 \
--n_aug 10 \
--n_query_all 75 \
--n_shot_val 1 \
--n_aug_val 20 \
--num_epoch 100 \
--lr_start 1e-5 \
--lr_decay 0.5 \
--lr_decay_step 20 \
--n_ite_per_epoch 600 \
--n_train_class 64 \
--GAN \


CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 ./script_folder/ \
--result_path . \
--extractor_folder ext1 \
--hallucinator_name HAL_PN_AFHN_1_tf1_ar1_m5n1a10q75_ep100_lr1e5_shot01a200 \
--n_way 5 \
--n_shot 1 \
--n_aug 10 \
--n_query_all 75 \
--n_shot_val 1 \
--n_aug_val 200 \
--num_epoch 100 \
--lr_start 1e-5 \
--lr_decay 0.5 \
--lr_decay_step 20 \
--n_ite_per_epoch 600 \
--n_train_class 64 \
--AFHN \
--lambda_tf 1.0 \
--lambda_ar 1.0 \


CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 ./script_folder/ \
--result_path . \
--extractor_folder ext1 \
--hallucinator_name HAL_PN_DFHN_1_2_002_002_2_g01_m5n1a10q75_ep10_lr1e5_shot01a20 \
--n_way 5 \
--n_shot 1 \
--n_aug 10 \
--n_query_all 75 \
--n_shot_val 1 \
--n_aug_val 20 \
--num_epoch 100 \
--lr_start 1e-5 \
--lr_decay 0.5 \
--lr_decay_step 20 \
--n_ite_per_epoch 600 \
--n_train_class 64 \
--DFHN \
--lambda_recon 2.0 \
--lambda_consistency 0.02 \
--lambda_consistency_pose 0.02 \
--lambda_intra 2.0 \
--lambda_gan 0.1 \

2. Multiclass Few-shot Classification

Step 0

Setup experiment environment.

mkdir -p mini-imagenet/multiclass
cd mini-imagenet/multiclass
ln -s [path to json files] ./json_folder
ln -s [path to python files] ./py_folder
ln -s [path to raw image files] ./image_folder

Step 1

Use and to train a ResNet-18 backbone using the training base-class split (base_train.json) and extract all base/val/novel features (saved as pickle files: base_train_feat, base_test_feat, val_train_feat, val_test_feat, novel_train_feat, and novel_test_feat).

# Execute the following code under the 'mini-imagenet/multiclass' directory.
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 python3 ./py_folder/ \
    --result_path . \
    --model_name ResNet18_img224_base_train_ep100_val_centerCrop \
    --n_class 64 \
    --train_path ./json_folder/base_train.json \
    --test_path ./json_folder/base_test.json \
    --num_epoch 100 \
    --bsize 128 \
    --lr_start 1e-3 \
    --lr_decay 0.5 \
    --lr_decay_step 10 \
    --use_aug \
    --with_BN \
    --center_crop \
    --run_extraction > ./log_ResNet18_img224_base_train_ep100_val_centerCrop

# set link to the extractor folder (execute 'unlink ext1' if necessary)
ln -s ./ResNet18_img224_base_train_ep100_val_centerCrop ./ext1

Step 2

Use and to train various hallucinators using the features extracted from base_train_feat.

# arguments:
# $1: n_way
# $2: n_shot
# $3: n_aug
# $4: n_query_all
# $5: z_dim/fc_dim (e.g., 512 for ResNet-18 features)
# $6: n_train_class (number of base categories, e.g., cub: 100; flo: 62; mini-imagenet: 64; cifar-100: 64)
# $7: extractor_folder (ext[1-9] from Step 1, must be specified)
# $8: num_epoch (number of epochs, each containing 600 episodes)


# We do not have to train the hallucinator for the baseline


# lambda_meta=1.0 (no need to specify)
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 sh ./py_folder/scripts/ 5 1 2 75 512 64 ext1 90 > ./log_hal_cgan_m5n1a2q75_ep90


# lambda_meta=1.0, lambda_tf=1.0, lambda_ar=1.0
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 sh ./py_folder/scripts/ 5 1 3 75 512 64 ext1 90 > ./log_hal_afhn_1_tf1_ar1_m5n1a3q75_ep90


# fix lambda_meta=1.0 and lambda_gan=0.1; tune lambda_recon=lambda_intra=X, lambda_consistency=lambda_consistency_pose=0.01*X, where X=1,2,5,10,20,50
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 sh ./py_folder/scripts/ 5 1 2 75 512 64 ext1 90 > ./log_hal_dfhn_1_2_002_002_2_g01_m5n1a2q75_ep90
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 sh ./py_folder/scripts/ 5 1 2 75 512 64 ext1 90 > ./log_hal_dfhn_1_5_005_005_5_g01_m5n1a2q75_ep90
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 sh ./py_folder/scripts/ 5 1 2 75 512 64 ext1 90 > ./log_hal_dfhn_1_10_01_01_10_g01_m5n1a2q75_ep90
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 sh ./py_folder/scripts/ 5 1 2 75 512 64 ext1 90 > ./log_hal_dfhn_1_20_02_02_20_g01_m5n1a2q75_ep90

Step 3

Use and to sample few shots for each valilation class from val_train_feat, augment each class using the trained hallucinator (specified in, train a linear classifier using all features in base_train_feat and the augmented validation features, and finally test on base_test_feat and val_test_feat. The output can be parsed by and

# arguments:
# $1: n_shot (01 or 05)
# $2: n_aug (number of shots per novel category AFTER hallucination, must be equal to n_shot for the baseline)
# $3: z_dim/fc_dim (e.g., 512 for ResNet-18 features)
# $4: n_class (total number of (base + val + novel) categories, e.g., cub: 200; flo: 102; mini-imagenet: 100; cifar-100: 100)
# $5: n_base_class (number of base categories, e.g., cub: 100; flo: 62; mini-imagenet: 64; cifar-100: 64)
# $6: extractor_folder (ext[1-9] from Step 1, must be specified)
# $7: exp_tag ('cv' for imagenet-1k, 'val' for other datasets)
# additional arguments for cGAN, AFHN, and DFHN to specify the parameters used to train the hallucinator
# $8: (m,n,a,q) (e.g., 'm5n1a3q75')
# $9: num_epoch (30 or 60 or 90)
# additional arguments for DFHN on coarse-grained datasets (mini-imagenet or cifar-100)
# $10: n_base_lb_per_novel (number of related base categories for each novel seed feature, default 0: sample reference feature from all base categories)


CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 sh ./py_folder/scripts/ 01 1 512 100 64 ext1 val > ./results_fsl_baseline_shot01_val
egrep 'WARNING: the output path|top-5 test accuracy' ./results_fsl_baseline_shot01_val > ./results_fsl_baseline_shot01_val_acc
python3 ./py_folder/ ./results_fsl_baseline_shot01_val_acc
python3 ./py_folder/ ./results_fsl_baseline_shot01_val_acc


# lambda_meta=1.0 (no need to specify)
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 sh ./py_folder/scripts/ 01 200 512 100 64 ext1 val m5n1a2q75 90 > ./results_fsl_cgan_m5n1a2q75_ep90_shot01_aug200_val
egrep 'WARNING: the output path|top-5 test accuracy' ./results_fsl_cgan_m5n1a2q75_ep90_shot01_aug200_val > ./results_fsl_cgan_m5n1a2q75_ep90_shot01_aug200_val_acc
python3 ./py_folder/ ./results_fsl_cgan_m5n1a2q75_ep90_shot01_aug200_val_acc
python3 ./py_folder/ ./results_fsl_cgan_m5n1a2q75_ep90_shot01_aug200_val_acc


# lambda_meta=1.0, lambda_tf=1.0, lambda_ar=1.0
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 sh ./py_folder/scripts/ 01 200 512 100 64 ext1 val m5n1a3q75 90 > ./results_fsl_afhn_1_tf1_ar1_m5n1a3q75_ep90_shot01_aug200_val
egrep 'WARNING: the output path|top-5 test accuracy' ./results_fsl_afhn_1_tf1_ar1_m5n1a3q75_ep90_shot01_aug200_val > ./results_fsl_afhn_1_tf1_ar1_m5n1a3q75_ep90_shot01_aug200_val_acc
python3 ./py_folder/ ./results_fsl_afhn_1_tf1_ar1_m5n1a3q75_ep90_shot01_aug200_val_acc
python3 ./py_folder/ ./results_fsl_afhn_1_tf1_ar1_m5n1a3q75_ep90_shot01_aug200_val_acc


# fix lambda_meta=1.0 and lambda_gan=0.1; tune lambda_recon=lambda_intra=X, lambda_consistency=lambda_consistency_pose=0.01*X, where X=1,2,5,10,20,50

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 sh ./py_folder/scripts/ 01 200 512 100 64 ext1 val m5n1a2q75 90 0 > ./results_fsl_dfhn_1_2_002_002_2_g01_m5n1a2q75_ep90_b0_shot01_aug200_val
egrep 'WARNING: the output path|top-5 test accuracy' ./results_fsl_dfhn_1_2_002_002_2_g01_m5n1a2q75_ep90_b0_shot01_aug200_val > ./results_fsl_dfhn_1_2_002_002_2_g01_m5n1a2q75_ep90_b0_shot01_aug200_val_acc
python3 ./py_folder/ ./results_fsl_dfhn_1_2_002_002_2_g01_m5n1a2q75_ep90_b0_shot01_aug200_val_acc
python3 ./py_folder/ ./results_fsl_dfhn_1_2_002_002_2_g01_m5n1a2q75_ep90_b0_shot01_aug200_val_acc

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 sh ./py_folder/scripts/ 01 200 512 100 64 ext1 val m5n1a2q75 90 0 > ./results_fsl_dfhn_1_5_005_005_5_g01_m5n1a2q75_ep90_b0_shot01_aug200_val
egrep 'WARNING: the output path|top-5 test accuracy' ./results_fsl_dfhn_1_5_005_005_5_g01_m5n1a2q75_ep90_b0_shot01_aug200_val > ./results_fsl_dfhn_1_5_005_005_5_g01_m5n1a2q75_ep90_b0_shot01_aug200_val_acc
python3 ./py_folder/ ./results_fsl_dfhn_1_5_005_005_5_g01_m5n1a2q75_ep90_b0_shot01_aug200_val_acc
python3 ./py_folder/ ./results_fsl_dfhn_1_5_005_005_5_g01_m5n1a2q75_ep90_b0_shot01_aug200_val_acc

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 sh ./py_folder/scripts/ 01 200 512 100 64 ext1 val m5n1a2q75 90 0 > ./results_fsl_dfhn_1_10_01_01_10_g01_m5n1a2q75_ep90_b0_shot01_aug200_val
egrep 'WARNING: the output path|top-5 test accuracy' ./results_fsl_dfhn_1_10_01_01_10_g01_m5n1a2q75_ep90_b0_shot01_aug200_val > ./results_fsl_dfhn_1_10_01_01_10_g01_m5n1a2q75_ep90_b0_shot01_aug200_val_acc
python3 ./py_folder/ ./results_fsl_dfhn_1_10_01_01_10_g01_m5n1a2q75_ep90_b0_shot01_aug200_val_acc
python3 ./py_folder/ ./results_fsl_dfhn_1_10_01_01_10_g01_m5n1a2q75_ep90_b0_shot01_aug200_val_acc

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 sh ./py_folder/scripts/ 01 200 512 100 64 ext1 val m5n1a2q75 90 0 > ./results_fsl_dfhn_1_20_02_02_20_g01_m5n1a2q75_ep90_b0_shot01_aug200_val
egrep 'WARNING: the output path|top-5 test accuracy' ./results_fsl_dfhn_1_20_02_02_20_g01_m5n1a2q75_ep90_b0_shot01_aug200_val > ./results_fsl_dfhn_1_20_02_02_20_g01_m5n1a2q75_ep90_b0_shot01_aug200_val_acc
python3 ./py_folder/ ./results_fsl_dfhn_1_20_02_02_20_g01_m5n1a2q75_ep90_b0_shot01_aug200_val_acc
python3 ./py_folder/ ./results_fsl_dfhn_1_20_02_02_20_g01_m5n1a2q75_ep90_b0_shot01_aug200_val_acc

Step 4

Use the best hyper-parameter setting in Step 3 to run final evaluation using base_train_feat, novel_train_feat, base_test_feat, and novel_test_feat.

# arguments:
# $1: n_shot (01 or 05)
# $2: n_aug (number of shots per novel category AFTER hallucination, must be equal to n_shot for the baseline)
# $3: z_dim/fc_dim (e.g., 512 for ResNet-18 features)
# $4: n_class (total number of (base + val + novel) categories, e.g., cub: 200; flo: 102; mini-imagenet: 100; cifar-100: 100)
# $5: n_base_class (number of base categories, e.g., cub: 100; flo: 62; mini-imagenet: 64; cifar-100: 64)
# $6: extractor_folder (ext[1-9] from Step 1, must be specified)
# $7: exp_tag ('final' for imagenet-1k, 'novel' for other datasets)
# additional arguments for final evaluation on base + novel categories:
# $8: lr_base (the 'base' part of the best learning rate found through validation, e.g., 3 if the best learning rate is 3e-4)
# $9: lr_power (the negative 'power' part of the best learning rate found through validation, e.g., 4 if the best learning rate is 3e-4)
# additional arguments for cGAN, AFHN, and DFHN to specify the parameters used to train the hallucinator
# $10: (m,n,a,q) (e.g., 'm5n1a3q75')
# $11: num_epoch (30 or 60 or 90)
# additional arguments for DFHN on coarse-grained datasets (mini-imagenet or cifar-100)
# $12: n_base_lb_per_novel (number of related base categories for each novel seed feature, default 0: sample reference feature from all base categories)


# Best learning rate: 3e-5
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 sh ./py_folder/scripts/ 01 1 512 100 64 ext1 novel 3 5 > ./results_fsl_baseline_shot01_novel
egrep 'WARNING: the output path|top-5 test accuracy' ./results_fsl_baseline_shot01_novel > ./results_fsl_baseline_shot01_novel_acc
python3 ./py_folder/ ./results_fsl_baseline_shot01_novel_acc
python3 ./py_folder/ ./results_fsl_baseline_shot01_novel_acc


# lambda_meta=1.0 (no need to specify)
# Best hallucinator: trained using 5-way 1-shot episodes for 90 epochs
# Best learning rate to train the linear classifier: 3e-4
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 sh ./py_folder/scripts/ 01 200 512 100 64 ext1 novel 3 4 m5n1a2q75 90 > ./results_fsl_cgan_m5n1a2q75_ep90_shot01_aug200_novel
egrep 'WARNING: the output path|top-5 test accuracy' ./results_fsl_cgan_m5n1a2q75_ep90_shot01_aug200_novel > ./results_fsl_cgan_m5n1a2q75_ep90_shot01_aug200_novel_acc
python3 ./py_folder/ ./results_fsl_cgan_m5n1a2q75_ep90_shot01_aug200_novel_acc
python3 ./py_folder/ ./results_fsl_cgan_m5n1a2q75_ep90_shot01_aug200_novel_acc


# lambda_meta=1.0, lambda_tf=1.0, lambda_ar=1.0
# Best hallucinator: trained using 5-way 1-shot episodes for 90 epochs
# Best learning rate to train the linear classifier: 3e-3
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 sh ./py_folder/scripts/ 01 200 512 100 64 ext1 novel 3 3 m5n1a3q75 90 > ./results_fsl_afhn_1_tf1_ar1_m5n1a3q75_ep90_shot01_aug200_novel
egrep 'WARNING: the output path|top-5 test accuracy' ./results_fsl_afhn_1_tf1_ar1_m5n1a3q75_ep90_shot01_aug200_novel > ./results_fsl_afhn_1_tf1_ar1_m5n1a3q75_ep90_shot01_aug200_novel_acc
python3 ./py_folder/ ./results_fsl_afhn_1_tf1_ar1_m5n1a3q75_ep90_shot01_aug200_novel_acc
python3 ./py_folder/ ./results_fsl_afhn_1_tf1_ar1_m5n1a3q75_ep90_shot01_aug200_novel_acc


# fix lambda_meta=1.0 and lambda_gan=0.1; tune lambda_recon=lambda_intra=X, lambda_consistency=lambda_consistency_pose=0.01*X, where X=1,2,5,10,20,50
# Best hallucinator: trained using 20-way 1-shot episodes for 90 epochs
# Best learning rate to train the linear classifier: 3e-4
# Best number of related base categories for each novel sample: 20
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 sh ./py_folder/scripts/ 01 200 512 100 64 ext1 novel 3 4 m20n1a2q100 90 20 > ./results_fsl_dfhn_1_10_01_01_10_g01_m20n1a2q100_b20_ep90_shot01_aug200_novel
egrep 'WARNING: the output path|top-5 test accuracy' ./results_fsl_dfhn_1_10_01_01_10_g01_m20n1a2q100_b20_ep90_shot01_aug200_novel > ./results_fsl_dfhn_1_10_01_01_10_g01_m20n1a2q100_b20_ep90_shot01_aug200_novel_acc
python3 ./py_folder/ ./results_fsl_dfhn_1_10_01_01_10_g01_m20n1a2q100_b20_ep90_shot01_aug200_novel_acc
python3 ./py_folder/ ./results_fsl_dfhn_1_10_01_01_10_g01_m20n1a2q100_b20_ep90_shot01_aug200_novel_acc