ckisi / film-fetcher

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Film Fetcher


Introducing Team 2's first collaborative project, Film Fetcher!

Film Fetcher is a user-friendly movie and TV show search engine that makes use of third-party APIs to fetch relevant information about any movie, series or episode a user would like to know more about. The goal with this concept is to provide users with a fun, novel, and visually appealing way to browse movies and TV shows and display data clearly and concisely on screen for ease of use.


Film Fetcher comes equipped with a multitude of features to increase user accessibility and make getting detailed information about any particular movie or TV show as easy as possible. Such features include specialized buttons that filter search results by movie, TV show, and episode for maximum search specificity, an interactive search button on the results page that automatically redirects to the first page and shows the results immediately for browsing speed, and the inclusion of streaming services that broadcast that specific movie or TV show in the list to point users in the right direction after finding their pick.


  1. OMDb API - provides list of movie and TV show names in the results section on search

  2. Movie of the Night API - provides specific data for a particular movie or TV show when selected from the search results section, such as number of episodes, runtime, first air year, etc.

  3. Bulma (CSS Framework) - provides convenient way to stylize webpages and make them more visually appealing to the user.

  4. jQuery (JavaScript Library) - provides a more concise way to outline webpage function and make it easier for the user.


  1. GitHub Pages:

  2. GitHub Repo:

  3. Bulma:

  4. OMDb API:

  5. Movie of the Night:


Homepage: ![](<./assets/images.jpg/Screenshot 2024-07-15 192927.png>)

Results page: 1[](<./assets/images.jpg/Screenshot 2024-07-15 193237.png>)


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