ckzbullbullet / TP-N2F

TP-N2F model
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TP-N2F model


This is Pytorch implementation of TP-N2F model for paper "Mapping Natural-language Problems to Formal-language Solutions Using Structured Neural Representations"


This project supports both GPUs and CPUs. The following requirements are for GPU users. If you want to train or test the models on CPUs, you could ignore the packages related CUDA. All required packages are in requirements.txt. Both Linux and Windows users can use "pip" to install required packages.

 Ubuntu 16.04+ or Windows 10
 Python 3.4+
 pytorch 1.4.0


We cleaned the data for both dataset. You can download them at here. Download the zip file and unzip it at the same level of src folder.

Train models

You can find the Pytorch implementation of TP-N2F model in 'src/' file. If you want to train models on MathQA and AlgoLisp datasets, you can run the two files 'src/' and 'src/'. The following commands can start the training process (if you train the model on CPU, add '--no_cuda' option for both commands). For the details of hyper-parameters, you can check the specific files and change them for your own preference. You can download the data of both datasets in the next section. MathQA

 python --data_dir <data_path> --output_dir <output_path> --do_train --do_eval --train_batch_size <train_bs> --eval_batch_size <eval_bs> --learning_rate <lr> --num_train_epochs <epochs> --binary_rela <True/False> --bidirectional <True/False> --max_seq_length <seqlen> --src_layer <src_ly> --trg_layer <trg_ly> --nSymbols <nfiller> --nRoles <nrole> --dSymbols <dfiller> --dRoles <drole> --temperature <temp> --dOpts <dopt> --dArgs <darg> --dPoss <dpos> --attention <dot/tpr> --sum_T <True/False> --reason_T <1/2> --lr_decay <True/False>


 python --data_dir <data_path> --output_dir <output_path> --do_train --do_eval --train_batch_size <train_bs> --eval_batch_size <eval_bs> --learning_rate <lr> --num_train_epochs <epochs> --clean_data <0/1> --bidirectional <True/False> --max_seq_length <seqlen> --src_layer <src_ly> --trg_layer <trg_ly> --nSymbols <nfiller> --nRoles <nrole> --dSymbols <dfiller> --dRoles <drole> --temperature <temp> --dOpts <dopt> --dArgs <darg> --dPoss <dpos> --attention <dot/tpr> --sum_T <True/False> --reason_T <1/2> --lr_decay <True/False>

Duplicate our results

You can download the data from the link at data section. Once you download the, you unzip the data folder at the same level of 'src' folder. Then, you can run the following commands under src folder to get the results for both datasets. We created a 'results' folder to save the results (If you want to test them on CPU, you add the option "--no_cuda" for each command). MathQA

 python --data_dir ../data/MathQA --output_dir ../results --eval_model_file mathqa_150_50_30_20_10_20_5.model --do_eval --train_batch_size 128 --eval_batch_size 256 --learning_rate 0.001 --num_train_epochs 60 --binary_rela True --bidirectional True


 python --data_dir ../data/AlgoLisp --output_dir ../results --eval_model_file algolisp_150_50_30_30_30_20_5.model --do_eval --train_batch_size 128 --eval_batch_size 256 --learning_rate 0.00115 --num_train_epochs 50 --clean_data 0