claabs / epicgames-freegames-node

Automatically login and find available free games the Epic Games Store. Sends you a prepopulated checkout link so you can complete the checkout after logging in. Supports multiple accounts, login sessions, and scheduled runs.
MIT License
1.33k stars 89 forks source link

error massage and not buy the games :( #296

Closed nowaczuk closed 6 months ago

nowaczuk commented 1 year ago

in the docker(unraid) logs it shows

epicgames-freegames-node@4.1.0 entrypoint-config node dist/src/entrypoint-config.js

Setting timezone: Europe/Berlin Run on startup: true [2022-12-09 14:07:46.790 +0100] INFO: Started epicgames-freegames-node COMMIT_SHA: "80a651a060bb4c2313886bfa4bbffb7a0683b028" BRANCH: "master" DISTRO: "alpine" [2022-12-09 14:07:47.466 +0100] INFO: Checking free games for user: "" [2022-12-09 14:09:02.003 +0100] ERROR: Encountered an error during browser automation. Saved a screenshot for debugging purposes. user: "" errorFile: "error-2022-12-09T13:08:20.548Z.png" [2022-12-09 14:09:02.021 +0100] ERROR: Navigation timeout of 30000 ms exceeded user: "" err: { "type": "TimeoutError", "message": "Navigation timeout of 30000 ms exceeded", "stack": TimeoutError: Navigation timeout of 30000 ms exceeded at LifecycleWatcher._LifecycleWatcher_createTimeoutPromise (/usr/app/node_modules/puppeteer/src/common/LifecycleWatcher.ts:220:12) "name": "TimeoutError" } [2022-12-09 14:09:02.209 +0100] WARN: Current version COMMIT_SHA: "80a651a060bb4c2313886bfa4bbffb7a0683b028" BRANCH: "master" DISTRO: "alpine" Run once: false Setting cron schedule as 15 18 *

my config (login is correct): { "runOnStartup": true, "cronSchedule": "15 18 *", "logLevel": "info", "webPortalConfig": { "baseUrl": "http://xxx:3055", }, "accounts": [ { "email": "", "password": "xxx", "totp": "xxx" }, ], "notifiers": [ { "type": "email", // This indicates the notifier type "smtpHost": "", "smtpPort": 587, "emailSenderAddress": "", "emailSenderName": "Epic Games Captchas", "emailRecipientAddress": "", "secure": false, "auth": { "user": "", "pass": "xxx", }, }, ], }

can someone help with that? :(

wonderhong commented 1 year ago

Navigation timeout of 30000 ms exceeded. You can change this item ”browserNavigationTimeout“ to 300000

MaxWinterstein commented 1 year ago

can confirm, really slow on rpi, change browserNavigationTimeout via config helps a lot.