claabs / epicgames-freegames-node

Automatically login and find available free games the Epic Games Store. Sends you a prepopulated checkout link so you can complete the checkout after logging in. Supports multiple accounts, login sessions, and scheduled runs.
MIT License
1.33k stars 89 forks source link

404 Cannot GET / with non-root base URL and nginx proxy #333

Closed timotheeandres closed 1 year ago

timotheeandres commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug

Using the latest Docker image on charlocharlie/epicgames-freegames. When I try to click on the link in the Telegram notification I get, I am greeted by a 404 Cannot GET /. I tried editing the nginx config multiple times, thinking it was a WebSocket problem, but using https://<domain>/ instead of https://<domain>/epicgames/ as base URL and using location /in nginx works properly (almost, I seem to have a bug with the login, but this might be on EPIC's side).

Screenshots or Logs

Screenshot: Epic Cannot GET

Docker logs:

utilities-epicgames-freegames-1  | > epicgames-freegames-node@4.1.0 entrypoint-config
utilities-epicgames-freegames-1  | > node dist/src/entrypoint-config.js
utilities-epicgames-freegames-1  |
utilities-epicgames-freegames-1  | Setting timezone: UTC
utilities-epicgames-freegames-1  | Run on startup: true
utilities-epicgames-freegames-1  | [2023-03-10 08:23:30.115 +0000] INFO: Started epicgames-freegames-node
utilities-epicgames-freegames-1  |     COMMIT_SHA: "851cbbdc4d3e4e40d41f0358cefcdba281487758"
utilities-epicgames-freegames-1  |     BRANCH: "master"
utilities-epicgames-freegames-1  |     DISTRO: "alpine"
utilities-epicgames-freegames-1  | [2023-03-10 08:23:30.116 +0000] DEBUG: Performing version check
utilities-epicgames-freegames-1  |     PROJECT_NAME: "epicgames-freegames-node"
utilities-epicgames-freegames-1  |     BRANCH: "master"
utilities-epicgames-freegames-1  |     COMMIT_SHA: "851cbbdc4d3e4e40d41f0358cefcdba281487758"
utilities-epicgames-freegames-1  | [2023-03-10 08:23:30.421 +0000] TRACE: Response from GitHub API
utilities-epicgames-freegames-1  |     latestSha: "851cbbdc4d3e4e40d41f0358cefcdba281487758"
utilities-epicgames-freegames-1  | [2023-03-10 08:23:30.421 +0000] INFO: Testing all configured notifiers
utilities-epicgames-freegames-1  | [2023-03-10 08:23:30.421 +0000] DEBUG: Launching a new browser
utilities-epicgames-freegames-1  | [2023-03-10 08:23:30.585 +0000] DEBUG: Launching a new page
utilities-epicgames-freegames-1  | [2023-03-10 08:23:30.656 +0000] TRACE: devtools://devtools/bundled/inspector.html?ws=
utilities-epicgames-freegames-1  | [2023-03-10 08:23:31.073 +0000] TRACE: Sending telegram notification
utilities-epicgames-freegames-1  |     user: <redacted>
utilities-epicgames-freegames-1  |     reason: "TEST"
utilities-epicgames-freegames-1  | [2023-03-10 08:23:31.073 +0000] TRACE: Sending json payload
utilities-epicgames-freegames-1  |     user: <redacted>
utilities-epicgames-freegames-1  |     reason: "TEST"
utilities-epicgames-freegames-1  |     jsonPayload: {
utilities-epicgames-freegames-1  |       "chat_id": <redacted>
utilities-epicgames-freegames-1  |       "text": "epicgames\\-freegames\\-node\nreason: TEST,\naccount: <redacted>\nurl: [Click here](https://<redacted>/epicgames/?targetId=C176B970BC3D59B595487FACCD92ED06)",
utilities-epicgames-freegames-1  |       "disable_web_page_preview": true,
utilities-epicgames-freegames-1  |       "parse_mode": "MarkdownV2"
utilities-epicgames-freegames-1  |     }
utilities-epicgames-freegames-1  | [2023-03-10 08:23:31.204 +0000] INFO: Test notifications sent. Waiting for test page interaction...

Additional context

nginx configuration:

  location /epicgames {
    return 302 $scheme://$host/epicgames/;

  location /epicgames/ {
    proxy_redirect off;
    proxy_http_version 1.1;
    proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
    proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade;
    proxy_set_header Host $host;


  "runOnStartup": true,
  "cronSchedule": "5 16 * * *",
  "logLevel": "trace",
  "testNotifiers": true,
  "webPortalConfig": {
    "baseUrl": "https://<redacted>/epicgames/",
  "accounts": [
      "email": <redacted>,
      "password": <redacted>,
      "totp": <redacted>
   "notifiers": [
       "type": "telegram",
       "token": <redacted>,
       "chatId": <redacted>,
timotheeandres commented 1 year ago

I do not know exactly why it works, but I found a workaround: in nginx, I removed proxy_redirect off; and changed proxy_pass; to proxy_pass;