cladmi / Release-Specs

Specification for RIOT releases and corresponding test configurations
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RIOT Release Specs

This repository contains specifications and corresponding tests that have to be fulfilled before a new RIOT release can be tagged.


Each RIOT release is accompanied by a set of release specifications, that have to be passed before each RIOT release. The current master of this repository contains the specs, that are applicable for the next release. So if we are in feature freeze before a release, the release can only be tagged once all specs that are in master of this repo are passed.

For traceability of past releases, a branch and a tag with the RIOT release name is created on the day of the RIOT release. This way it is always clear, which set of specs has been passed for specific release.



Each specification resides in it's own folder. Inside the folder you can find a markdown file, that describes the specification and it's tasks in detail. Optionally there are can be a number of test scripts and test applications for each task.

A specification folder might look like the following:

  | -
  | -     -> test script for spec 04, task 01
  | -
  | - test-04.03/       -> folder containing a specific RIOT test application
  |     | - main.c
  |     | - Makefile
  | -     -> some script making use of the test-04.03 application
  | - ....
  | -

Specs document

The release specifications are descriptions of test-cases and certain other criteria that have to be tested/applied before each RIOT release. Each specification contains a description of it's goal as well as a number of tasks that have to be carried out (as much automated as possible).

Each tasks is to be written in the style of a test-case. This means, that the following information must be given for each task:

Test scripts and applications

Each release specification should be accompanied by supporting scripts (and RIOT applications if needed), that enable to execute it's tasks to the highest degree of automation possible. The long-term goal is the complete automated execution of all tasks, though there might be some cases where this is not achievable...


TODO: verify if feasible of find other means to track the state

The release spec repository also contains a tracking document (, which contains for each release candidate a full list of tasks that have to be run, including the results, the exact RIOT commit the task was run with and the date when this was done.

This document serves (i) as a tracking document during the feature freeze phase of a new release and (ii) as a back-reference, so we can trace which tasks have been run for old releases.

The document should have the following format:


215.12-RC2          -> same name as the tag in RIOT

#### 01-ci          -> name of spec
task-01.01   2015-09-04   69aca17db6341f0f5acf683092af532b6eab6c53   success
task-01.02   2015-09-04   69aca17db6341f0f5acf683092af532b6eab6c53   fail
#### 02-tests
task-02.01   2015-09-03   69aca17db6341f0f5acf683092af532b6eab6c53   success
task-02.02   2015-09-04   69aca17db6341f0f5acf683092af532b6eab6c53   success


task-01.01   2015-09-04   667ad24c557dd02b18a298ce50fc49b4a3c46269   fail
task-01.02   2015-09-04   667ad24c557dd02b18a298ce50fc49b4a3c46269   fail
#### 02-tests
task-02.01   2015-09-03   2eb21d8f9694146deca8c69cbc4a82acd62d395f   success
task-02.02   2015-09-04   2eb21d8f9694146deca8c69cbc4a82acd62d395f   success
#### ...