claraj / quiz

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Quiz program in need of improvement

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For testing, here are some extra questions. You may, of course, replace these with other questions of your choice.

Some extra art questions,

Q: Which kid's TV characters are named after Renaissance artists? A: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Q: The graphite in an artist's pencil is made of what chemical element? A: Carbon

Here are some extra space questions,

Q: What was the first human-made object to leave the solar system? A: Voyager 1
Q: When an asteroid enters the Earth's atmosphere and burns up, it is known as what? A: Meteor

Another topic - sport questions

Q: Which gymnast is the "triple-twisting double-tucked salto backwards" skill named after? A: Simone Biles
Q: Which country has won the soccer world cup the most times? A: Brazil
Q: What does MLB stand for? A: Major League Baseball