clarinsi / csmtiser

A tool for text normalisation via character-level machine translation
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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A tool for text normalisation via character-level machine translation


The tool requires the following tools to be installed:

Additionally, the tool expects basic bash functionality and can therefore be run on *NIX systems / environments only.

Using Docker

You can use pre-build Docker image to run cSMTiser without installing moses and mgiza on your machine. For example:

$ docker run -v ~/csmtiser:/csmtiser greegorey/csmtiser python

See detailed instructions in docker/

Running the tool

Running the tool consists of the following steps:

We exemplify each step on a dataset of Slovene tweets. The repo holds examples for normalizing whole tweets (datasets/sentence_level) and for normalizing tokens in isolation (datasets/token_level). While the token-by-token normalization seems linguistically wrong (discarding the context a word occurrs in), results show that not on all datasets improvements can be obtained with the computationally much more costly sentence-level normalizers. For more details, please inspect the two papers that should be cited if you use the tool:

    Author = {Nikola Ljube\v{s}i\'{c} and Katja Zupan and Darja Fi{\v s}er and Toma{\v z} Erjavec},
    Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS 2016)},
    Pages = {146--155},
    Title = {{Normalising Slovene data: historical texts vs. user-generated content}},
    Year = {2016}}

    Author = {Yves Scherrer and Nikola Ljube\v{s}i\'{c}},
    Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS 2016)},
    Pages = {248--255},
    Title = {{Automatic normalisation of the Swiss German ArchiMob corpus using character-level machine translation}},
    Year = {2016}}

The smaller models, built from the token-level datasets, are included in the repo while the following instructions cover how to train models for the sentence-level normaliser.

The sentence-level data consists of four files:

Configuring your normaliser

The first step is to let the normaliser know where to find components of the Moses SMT system and your initial data, as well as to define various parameters.

To perform configuration, copy the config.yml.sentence_level.example and change values of variables where necessary. You can name your copy as you wish, but we will name it myconfig.yml in this example. Comments inside the code should help you during the process. For running the sentence-level example no modifications are needed.

Note that you can name your initial data files as you wish, but the parallel training files obligatorily have to end in .orig and .norm.

Data preprocessing

The first, optional step in preprocessing is tokenisation. The exemplary datasets are already tokenised (spaces before punctuation etc.), so this process is, as stated in the configuration file, not run.

To fight data sparseness (you never have enough manually normalised data to have seen all the phenomena) we either perform truecasing or lowercasing of the data.

Truecasing is a method that calculates the statistics for each word regarding the case (lowercase, uppercase) it was seen when not at the beginning of the sentence. The most frequent case is then enforced on all sentence beginnings.

Lowercasing is a more agressive way to fight data sparseness than truecasing. In case of using lowercasing, all text normalised will be lowercased as well. This method should be applied if (1) there is not much data (less than a few million tokens) to learn a decent truecaser or (2) casing is not used in a consistent or traditional (beginning of sentence) way, like in user-generated content. We perform truecasing on our exemplary dataset just to showcase the truecasing method, although lowercasing would be a more reasonable option in our case.

After truecasing or lowercasing, the dataset is split into train and dev data (if no extra development data is made available) and transformed to the format necessary for learning the models.

Our examplary run of this step produces the following output:

$ python myconfig.yml
Learning the truecaser
Truecasing tweet_sl.orig
Truecasing tweet_sl.norm
Truecasing tweet_sl
Reading data for splitting into train and dev
Splitting the data
Preparing the data for learning models

The process produces the training (train.orig and train.norm) and development datasets (dev.orig and dev.norm), as well as one dataset per each additional language model, in our case lm_0.proc. If your configuration file is called config.yml, you do not need to specify its name.

Building the models and tuning the system

Building specific models and tuning the overall system is performed with one script,

The script takes, as the script, parameters from the config file given as an argument (or from the file config.yml if no argument is given).

The exemplary run of this step produces the following output (logging the output of the training and tuning tools to train.log):

$ python myconfig.yml
Deleting old models in the working directory
Building a LM from /home/nikola/tools/clarinsi/csmtiser//train.norm
Building a LM from tweet_sl
Building the untuned system
Updating the moses.ini file
Tuning the system

During the first runs the logging script train.log should be analysed to make sure that all the processes were finished successfully. This wrapper does not do much in reporting errors, just logs the output of the wrapped tools.

Additionally, training the exemplary system on 23 server-grade cores takes 2.3 hours (all together 47 CPU hours), so running the training procedure in the background is probably a good idea. The simplest way to do so on a *NIX is this:

$ nohup python myconfig.yml &

Running the normaliser

The final normaliser is run through the script, where the first argument is the config file, and the second argument is the file whose content has to be normalised. The output is stored to the same path extended with the extension .norm.

Logging of the normalisation process is performed in norm.log in the working directory.

The exemplary normaliser can be run like this:

python myconfig.yml text_to_normalise.txt

The output is available in text_to_normalise.txt.norm. If tokenisation or truecasing are performed during data preparation, the reverse processes are run at the end of the normalisation process.

On our exemplary dataset detruecasing is performed, while detokenisation is not.