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Support for Exposure Data [EE API] #10

Closed p-a-s-c-a-l closed 4 years ago

p-a-s-c-a-l commented 5 years ago

We need access to the Exposure Data stored in EMIKAT. Currently it supports Population Exposure including ~age group distribution for whole Europe~. There is also finer grained local population exposure data for the city of Naples available which can be served transparently via the same API.

The API could support a parameter $exposureType which contains the id of the respective Taxonomy.

The API will be accessed by the table-state-rest-api and then by the related EE Table Component. Additionally, we need an WMS Endpoint for the EE Map Component.

The respective EE Data Package Resource has to be updated accordingly and example request / response URLs (including WMS URLs for RA/IA maps) have to be added to the Wiki.

p-a-s-c-a-l commented 5 years ago

I seems that "The population are no longer grouped according to age classes due to lack of sufficient data for the age groups.". @humerh can you please clarify this with @stefanon and @alecapolupo ?

ghost commented 5 years ago

Yes, the population will not be grouped in three classes since the data at european level are not available in that format. Copernicus uploaded the population data already spatialized, therefore they should just be converted in the grid format (

p-a-s-c-a-l commented 5 years ago

the data at european level are not available in that format.

Yes, but Heinrich somehow managed to derive the age groups from other European datasets and to merge it with the Copernicus population data. Right, @humerh?

ghost commented 5 years ago

It is not necessary to apply that procedure because we have just vulnerability function for all the population.

p-a-s-c-a-l commented 5 years ago

Exposure data (Population) calculated from EMIKAT:

Methode: We use the Populationen Data from EUROSTAT (1km*1km) and split this data to the 500m-Grid by using Landcover data from Copernicus. This data are available for all Europe.



Output Example:

  "description": "Beschreibung fürCLY_EL_POPULATION_FAKE",
  "columnnames": [
  "rows": [
      "rownum": 0,
      "values": [
      "rownum": 1,
      "values": [
      "rownum": 2,
      "values": [
p-a-s-c-a-l commented 5 years ago


Thank you, some questions and remakes:

Alternatively we could keep the source data that is needed for visualisation purposes only on (METEOGRID) Geoserver and expose it via WCS/WMS and duplicate the data that is needed for Impact/Adaptation Calculation in EMIKAT. However, I would prefer to keep the data in one central place (EMIKAT).

Here are some samples WCS/WMS URLs:

Note that these URLs currently point to local Exposure Data obtained from ISTAT (Italian National Institute of Statistics)! The structure and format exposed at the APIs must be the same for the European level exposure data obtained from Copernicus. I think it is more than obvious that we cannot support different data formats for the same data type. We need to be able to switch data packages, e.g. perform the same type of study with European Level Data Package and the Local Data Package.

humerh commented 5 years ago

On your request I changed my Population evaluation and remove the age distribution. I did also a renaming of table.

So my interfaces are now the followings (replace 2846 by $emikatId):


p-a-s-c-a-l commented 5 years ago

Thanks! WMS doesn't seem to work, though:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?><!DOCTYPE ServiceExceptionReport SYSTEM ""> <ServiceExceptionReport version="1.1.1" >   <ServiceException code="internalError">
      Rendering process failed

Are you going to provide a WCS endpoint, too?

For the Data Package, we need some meta-information about the Exposure Data, especially to properly credit the original data provider (Copernicus). Is the description of the source data already available in our CKAN? If not, where can I find the the original data?

humerh commented 5 years ago

Additional Services available: EMIKAT REST:


or CSV:

or WMS: WMS:,1980000.0,4691500.0,1988000.0&width=768&height=341&srs=EPSG:3035&format=image/gif&CQL_FILTER=SZ_ID=2846

A WCS endpoint is not available.

p-a-s-c-a-l commented 5 years ago

For the Data Package, we need some meta-information about the Exposure Data, especially to properly credit the original data provider (Copernicus). Is the description of the source data already available in our CKAN? If not, where can I find the the original data?

Is the local Naples Exposure Data in EMIKAT available too, so that we can test with the table rest API?

humerh commented 5 years ago

The local Naples Exposure Date in EMIKAT are too available under the name "tab.CLY_EL_POPULATION.1758"


humerh commented 5 years ago

Used data for calculation:

1) Population European Popuation statistics 2011 GEOSTAT 2011 V2.0.1 European raster of Population in a 1km*1km grid (ETRS89 / LAEA) Source: Eurostat, GEOSTAT 2011

2) Land Use This layer has been generated from CORINE Land Cover (CLC) ( 2018. Only the CLC code 11* are extracted: 111.. Artificial surfaces,Urban fabric,Continuous urban fabric 112.. Artificial surfaces,Urban fabric,Discontinuous urban fabric

humerh commented 5 years ago

What is the problem with WMS service? Is it still present?

p-a-s-c-a-l commented 5 years ago

WMS works now. Thanks!

p-a-s-c-a-l commented 5 years ago


Hm, same question as here: Is it possible to return only those records that are within the area of the current study (2846)? Alternatively, does the API support additional filter parameters, e.g. by bounding box so that we could include the '$studyArea' in the request?

p-a-s-c-a-l commented 5 years ago

Hm, same question as here: Is it possible to return only those records that are within the area of the current study (2846)? Alternatively, does the API support additional filter parameters, e.g. by bounding box so that we could include the '$studyArea' in the request?

humerh commented 5 years ago

Yes, you will get only those records, which are in the area of the study, I have implemented it already. As the content of the records will change due to the discussion about the duration I have not published it.

It will be like this:

p-a-s-c-a-l commented 5 years ago

When I remove the filter CQL_FILTER=SZ_ID=$emikat_id from the Population Exposure WMS URL, I'm, still getting only the exposure for the study area:


I would expect to get exposure data for whole Europe. Why? Because we want to show the visualisation widgets (maps and table) not only in the study views but also in the Data Package and resource views. See

Therefore it would be helpful to be able to obtain the data for whole Europe via for the REST API, too. E.g. instead of

we may use an optional query parameter, e.g.

In any case, while this might work for (static) population data, it will probably not be available for HC-LE data and IA Data, because they are calculated on the fly for each new study, right?

humerh commented 5 years ago

_When I remove the filter CQL_FILTER=SZ_ID=$emikatid from the Population Exposure WMS URL, I'm, still getting only the exposure for the study area:

Currently we have only ONE Study defined and calculated in EmiKat, so the result is the same. If more than one Study exists, this parameter is essential.

... showing data for all the Europe ...

It was a strategic decision to calculate all the dynamic tables only for the area of the study. The recalculation time is therefore in a very good range (seconds or minutes). Recalculation time for Europe needs in many cases hours or days.

The examples of population distribution is currently handled with the same algorithms and is calculated only for the area of the study. Locally I have the information of whole Europe available, so it would be possible to calculate also this layer on a European level. The input layers are also CONSTANTs and so this calculated population layer need not be recalculated for each Study. But I need for my algorithms also this projected view to the study area, so it would be an adiitional task to make this European layer available.

A compromise could be, that we provide only the 1km*1km input layer of population on European level. Is this sufficient?

p-a-s-c-a-l commented 5 years ago

A compromise could be, that we provide only the 1km*1km input layer of population on European level. Is this sufficient?

Since this European population layer is then used for visualisation in CSIS only and not for calculation in EMIKAT, it would be better to follow the same approach as for the Hazard indices layers:

@ghilbrae should make these layers available on METEOGRID Geoserver.

ghilbrae commented 5 years ago

I'm working on this and I hope to have something today or tomorrow. I'd like to know of you @humerh need 2006 and 2011 or only 2011. I'm working on 2011 right now.

ghilbrae commented 5 years ago

@humerh the population for 2011 is available in our geoserver ( The name of the layer is: europe:EXT_Population_GEOSTAT_1K_2011 You can check it in the layer preview.

Here is a link to the GetMap:

It may take a while to load but the layer is quite heavy. Let me know if this works for you or if there's something missing or strange.

humerh commented 5 years ago

I can access this layer as WMS service. I would prefer to have a WCS service for this layer, because I need the data and not the picture. A WCS service would be the most efficent access to get the data of the study area.

Currently I continue to use my local copy of data till a WCS service is avalable.

humerh commented 5 years ago

As I need the data (not the map) is it possible to enable also WCS service for this layer?

p-a-s-c-a-l commented 5 years ago

Maybe @LauraMTG can enable the WCS?

LauraMTG commented 5 years ago

@humerh and @p-a-s-c-a-l , It is not possible to access SHAPE data through a WCS service (only for raster files). For this you need to use a WFS service and the procedure is the same.

LauraMTG commented 5 years ago

Hi @humerh and @p-a-s-c-a-l

I have transformed the shapefile into a raster file and it is already in geoserver with the name "geostat_GRID_POPULATION_1K_2011". Now you have the possibility to access the European population layer through the WCS service, if it is useful for you.


humerh commented 5 years ago

Thank you, it looks fine. I will switch to this data source in the next days.

DenoBeno commented 4 years ago

I suppose this is resolved, except that no $exposureType filter exists and/since the data is only available for the population?

p-a-s-c-a-l commented 4 years ago

No Exposure Data seems to be available for this study (Alba Iulia):

humerh commented 4 years ago

Study with EmikatId=3209 was not triggered for calculation. The reason is in my eyes on the drupal side. So you get no data.

p-a-s-c-a-l commented 4 years ago

Hm, but there is an EMIKAT id assigned, hmm

DenoBeno commented 4 years ago

This works now. Guess we can close the issue. Several issues to consider for later

1) the table is not very useful IMO.