clarity-h2020 / emikat
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"EMIKAT_ImpactCalculationModel.eap": current version = “ Clarity Data Model (Version 2)”


Emikat is used by the CSIS to perform a wide range of different calculations for the Studies created in the CSIS. Communication between Emikat and CSIS is established by a flow of individual REST calls between the endpoints of the two systems, which were created specifically for that purpose.

General procedure

  1. CSIS needs to trigger Emikat (by sending some initial information and receiving an Emikat's internal ID of the Study, which is later used to identify the Study in consecutive REST calls.) once the user has provided sufficient data for the Study and executed the Study calculation request.
  2. Emikat requests additional data it needs from the Drupal REST endpoints, which were provided in the initial trigger request from the CSIS.
  3. The CSIS then pulls information about the status of the current calculation progress in regular intervals until all calculations are completed. During the calculation the user cannot request a second triggering of the calculation.

Individual REST endpoints

1) Initial Study information


This link will be given to Emikat in the initial trigger event from the CSIS. BasicAuth is used as authentication. Emikat can use the "Emikat" user in the CSIS, which was created for this purpose. This endpoint uses the REST Group View and displays the following properties:

2) Data package information


This endpoint is currently not implemented as a Drupal View, so the complete data package content is displayed instead using the default REST endpoint provided by Drupal.

3) Resources information


This endpoint uses the REST Node View and displays the following properties:

4) Included Adaptation options in the selected Adaptation Strategy


This endpoint uses the REST Node View and displays the following properties:

5) Adaptation option information


This endpoint uses the REST Node View and displays the following properties:

Additional REST endpoints

The complete description of REST endpoints provided by Emikat and their further specifications is available on CSIS Wiki.

Relevant batch jobs for checking calculation results

CSIS regularly checks the status of running calculations by requesting the list of batch jobs for a particular Study and analysing their current states. Only batch jobs from a list of "productive batch jobs" should be tested and analysed. Others might have been just added temporarily by Emikat and are only used for testing or debugging and have no influence on the actual calculation results expected by the CSIS. Their status should therefore not be taken into account in CSIS. Therefore only a list of predefined batch jobs is analysed by the CSIS.

This list contains the following batch jobs (This list should be expanded, if new functionality is added.):