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Scenario analysis application is not showing all data #30

Closed DenoBeno closed 4 years ago

DenoBeno commented 4 years ago

This is what I see on


Error message seems to be bogus.

DenoBeno commented 4 years ago

Hm wait, the data in question is really not shown in the table. However, the bar charts are missing some other data too, e.g. rcp 26 for 2071-2100 period.

the table component is still not showing anything, so I can't say what is really wrong here.

p-a-s-c-a-l commented 4 years ago

Yes, this error occurs from time to time because the data retrieved from the EMIKAT RA/IA API does not contain all values. I don't know why this happens. BTW, this is different view ( than the one used by the table component. It aggregates the values used by the table component. So maybe there's simply no result for

available, for scenario 3189? Maybe @humerh can have a look?

humerh commented 4 years ago

Yes, you are right. These Events does not exist.

See the table:

1201 37,98 23,73     1 HW Baseline Baseline Occasional 38_0.366d 34,7
1192 37,98 23,73     1 HW Baseline Baseline Rare 39.5_0.066d 34,7
1210 37,98 23,73     1 HW Baseline Baseline Frequent 35.5_3.133d 34,7
1193 37,98 23,73     1 HW rcp26 20110101-20401231 Rare 40_0.133d 34,7
1211 37,98 23,73     1 HW rcp26 20110101-20401231 Frequent 36.5_3.233d 34,7
1202 37,98 23,73     1 HW rcp26 20110101-20401231 Occasional 39.5_0.266d 34,7
1212 37,98 23,73     1 HW rcp26 20410101-20701231 Frequent 37.5_2.066d 34,7
1203 37,98 23,73     1 HW rcp26 20410101-20701231 Occasional 40.5_0.366d 34,7
1205 37,98 23,73     1 HW rcp26 20710101-21001231 Occasional 41_0.300d 34,7
1214 37,98 23,73     1 HW rcp26 20710101-21001231 Frequent 37_3.333d 34,7
1195 37,98 23,73     1 HW rcp26 20710101-21001231 Rare 42_0.133d 34,7
1199 37,98 23,73     1 HW rcp45 20110101-20401231 Occasional 40.5_0.266d 34,7
1191 37,98 23,73     1 HW rcp45 20410101-20701231 Rare 43.5_0.066d 34,7
1200 37,98 23,73     1 HW rcp45 20410101-20701231 Occasional 41_0.266d 34,7
1209 37,98 23,73     1 HW rcp45 20410101-20701231 Frequent 38_2.133d 34,7
1206 37,98 23,73     1 HW rcp45 20710101-21001231 Occasional 42_0.266d 34,7
1196 37,98 23,73     1 HW rcp45 20710101-21001231 Rare 42.5_0.066d 34,7
1215 37,98 23,73     1 HW rcp45 20710101-21001231 Frequent 38_3.400d 34,7
1194 37,98 23,73     1 HW rcp85 20110101-20401231 Rare 39.5_0.133d 34,7
1204 37,98 23,73     1 HW rcp85 20110101-20401231 Occasional 39_0.333d 34,7
1213 37,98 23,73     1 HW rcp85 20110101-20401231 Frequent 37_2.300d 34,7
1216 37,98 23,73     1 HW rcp85 20410101-20701231 Frequent 39_2.466d 34,7
1197 37,98 23,73     1 HW rcp85 20410101-20701231 Rare 42.5_0.133d 34,7
1207 37,98 23,73     1 HW rcp85 20410101-20701231 Occasional 41.5_0.600d 34,7
1217 37,98 23,73     1 HW rcp85 20710101-21001231 Frequent 41_2.733d 34,7
1198 37,98 23,73     1 HW rcp85 20710101-21001231 Rare 45.5_0.066d 34,7
1208 37,98 23,73     1 HW rcp85 20710101-21001231 Occasional 44_0.266d 34,7
p-a-s-c-a-l commented 4 years ago

These Events does not exist.

Any why? Is that a problem with the input hazard data or something else?

humerh commented 4 years ago

This question has to be answered by Robert (@RobAndGo). I suppose, that there are not enough statistical data inputs available for this event.

DenoBeno commented 4 years ago

If that's a "normal" behaviour, so be it. But I don't understand it.

@robandgo, please explain.

RobAndGo commented 4 years ago

I wasn't able to see what problem you are all referring to, but I do know that there are cases where for a given grid point, specific heat wave events may not occur. e.g. it is possible that for a rcp85 scenario, a rare or occasional event may occur, but a frequent event is not registered because in the statistics, this occurred at an interval of either much greater than once per year, or much lower than once per year.

Just a reminder of the event definitions: frequent: 1 event per year occasional: 1 event in 5 years rare: 1 event in 20 years.

For the 30-year periods on which this is based, these values correspond to: frequent: 30 events per 30-year period occasional: 6 events per 30-year period rare: 1.5 events per 30-year period.

Using these strict definitions lead to many events being missed, so I searched for ranges to these values, namely: frequent: 25-45 events per 30-year period occasional: 4-8 events per 30-year period rare: 1-3 events per 30-year period

However, there were still cases where events weren't present, and at the time I wasn't sure how significant a problem this would be. I could adjust the search ranges above such that every grid point has an event.

DenoBeno commented 4 years ago

A, so we may very easily miss the 2-year events, I see. But I don't think that this is the issue we have at hand. Look at again. The whole RPC26 is missing for the period 2041-2070, not just the rare event.

Unless the lack of the "rare" event makes the generation fail for the others too.

DenoBeno commented 4 years ago

By the way: it would be good if the scenario analysis app would only show the data for the "presets" (we can allow users to define more than one preset). In that way, there would be less data sets to show and the labels would be easier for the users since users can freely choose them.


RobAndGo commented 4 years ago

OK, now I think I understand - you mean that there is no data from the RCP26 2041-2070 scenario. I thought I uploaded all the files in a previous github post - I'll try to find it now to see if maybe I forgot this one.

I can't seem to find the original post, so I'll upload the missing dataset here: europe_rcp26_20410101-20701231.csv.txt It's a csv file so one just needs to remove the .txt extension.

As an aside, does anyone know how to search on github for particular posts, e.g. I wanted to search for posts containing the links for these data files which I previously posted.

p-a-s-c-a-l commented 4 years ago

It's a csv file so one just needs to remove the .txt extension.

OK. And who is responsible for making the data available via a service? Is it METEOGRID or @humerh? Is it directly imported into EMIKAT or fist into geo server then queried by EMIKAT?

As an aside, does anyone know how to search on github for particular posts, e.g. I wanted to search for posts containing the links for these data files which I previously posted.

@RobAndGo here

DenoBeno commented 4 years ago

Is this done now?

p-a-s-c-a-l commented 4 years ago

Is this done now?

No: "Could not load indicator file RCP45 (2011-2040). It contains no indicator data for indicatorFrequent"

RobAndGo commented 4 years ago

@p-a-s-c-a-l do you mean this is a problem with the original data set that I uploaded, because I do have frequent heat wave events for RCP45 (2011-2040), here is the file once again: europe_rcp45_20110101-20401231.csv.txt

p-a-s-c-a-l commented 4 years ago

I don't know. This data comes from the EMIKAT RA/IA API, so maybe @humerh knows why the events are still missing.

DenoBeno commented 4 years ago

@humerh , WDYT?

p-a-s-c-a-l commented 4 years ago

Events are still missing. Bug or Feature?

p-a-s-c-a-l commented 4 years ago

still not resolved yet: Could not load indicator file RCP45 (2011-2040). It contains no indicator data for indicatorFrequent

p-a-s-c-a-l commented 4 years ago

Could not load indicator file RCP45 (2011-2040). It contains no indicator data for indicatorFrequent

p-a-s-c-a-l commented 4 years ago

API Call with missing Events:

RobAndGo commented 4 years ago

I'll upload the file again (I initially uploaded the rcp26 file for some reason): europe_rcp45_20110101-20401231.csv.txt

RobAndGo commented 4 years ago

After discussing the issue further with @humerh, and seeing that @humerh did have all the data already correctly imported into Emikat, we determined that the problem is that which I addressed in the post above. That is, it is normal that a grid point may not have all three types of events (frequent, occasional, rare) for a particular RCP-scenario/future time period.

E.g. for the grid point at latitude:32.215336 and longitude: -4.425540, the rcp45, 2071-2100 does not have a rare event, but a rare event does exist for the rcp45 2011-2040 period.

latitude;longitude;urban area;country;RCP;Period;Tx95p;Frequent(1.0);Occasional(0.2);Rare(0.05)
humerh commented 4 years ago

CSIS-Application can call EmiKat to get all defined event types for a specific Study: where 3189 is the of the study.

p-a-s-c-a-l commented 4 years ago

Finally, this has been resolved in