clarity-h2020 / emikat
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Replace automated study triggering with a dedicated "(re)calculate" button #34

Closed DenoBeno closed 4 years ago

DenoBeno commented 4 years ago

As it is, it's too easy to hit the re-calculation while the old calculation is already running. This has various negative effects. In the best case, it uses the resources unnecessary and makes the user wait longer than needed. Basically, if two calculations are triggered in the short time, user wil lend up looking at "0 from 11 processes" message for some 15 min or longer. In the worst case, user could try again and again and block EMIKAT for hours. We may choose to ignore this, but I'll mark it as SHOWSTOPPER for now.

Before letting some external (impatient) users to trigger study calculations, we IMO need to somehow handle this issue. I can see two possibilities:

After a discussion with @humerh , it would seem that the first option is difficult to implement. So the question is "can we go for the second one?". What I have in mind is to:

  1. Replace the automatic triggering of the calculation by explicit triggering by the user (press the "calculate" button).
  2. Disable this button if a calculation is already running, as well as in the case not all parameters are set.

Necessary logic:

If all three are true, the (big, friendly, green) "re-calculate" button is shown to the user/can be clicked. If not, it's not shown or disabled (e.g. red or grey).


p-a-s-c-a-l commented 4 years ago
patrickkaleta commented 4 years ago

After discussions with Denis and seeing usability and stability issues, the automated Emikat trigger has now been disabled and replaced by a "Start calculations" button, which can be triggered by the Study owner in the Study summary tab.

This button (~a Display Suite token field~ UPDATE: Button now created directly in the View-block of the Sidebar) is visible only to Study owners in Studies, that require a calculation in Emikat (ATM just "Advanced Screening: Urban Infrastructure") and only functional if necessary fields are set and no calculation is currently running for this study.

In addition, I've added a Study checklist block into the right sidebar, that gives some information about what's required for the calculations and whether or not is has already been configured. This block is only visible to members of Studies, that require Emikat for calculations.

Visibility of both, the Trigger-button and the Checklist block, as well as the logic behind the trigger mechanism are handled by the CSIS helpers module .

Note: Emikat is not affected by any of the mentioned changes, so no action from @humerh needed.


patrickkaleta commented 4 years ago
  • KISS Solution: Don't allow re-calculation at all. If somebody wants to define new study area, she/he has to create a new study.

Yes, that would've been an easier solution, but it would also give us just one shot for each study to get it right. If e.g. Emikat would suddenly generate errors (for example by messing up the order of batch jobs), we would get no results for those studies and have no chance to try again at some later point.

patrickkaleta commented 4 years ago

No complaints so far, therefore closing this issue now.

patrickkaleta commented 4 years ago

As proposed by @DenoBeno the trigger button is now placed inside the new sidebar instead of the Summary page of the Study.