clark-lab / Bisulfite_tools

Pipeline for alignment of Illumina bisulfite sequencing data and associated tools
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Pipeline for alignment of Illumina bisulfite sequencing data and associated tools

Author: Aaron Statham (

Usage: {Genome}

Execute in the directory containing the genome for aligning to as a single multifasta file with the name {Genome}.fa

To build an index for the human genome:

# Download and extract the genome
wget -O - | tar -zxv

# Concatenate into a multifasta file
cat *.fa > hg19.fa
rm chr*.fa

# Build index hg19

align_lane_(PE/SE).sh {Project} {Genome}

Master script for aligning a lane of data. Raw data must be named in the format:

input/{Project}_R1.fastq.gz input/{Project}_R2.fastq.gz

or for a single end experiment:


Aligned data, methylation calls and run metrics will be put in a folder named "output".

The pipeline qsubs the following steps