claytonotey / paukn

The pitched audio knife - VST effect with various midi note controlled filters (lowpass, hipass, comb, decimator, granulator, digital waveguide)
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PAuKn - The Pitched Audio Knife

Control the pitch of various pitched base effects (the dwgs and granulator are neat) with MIDI and note expression in VST3.


Controlling PAuKn


ID Name Description
MIDI 0xE0 Pitchbend Always changes pitch of all up to range controlled by pitchbend range param
Note Expression ID Description Notes
NE0 Gain Always changes gain
NE1 Pan Doesn't change pan, used by different effects as below
NE2 Tuning Always changes pitch by standard amount, not affected by pitchbend range
NE3 Vibrato not used
NE4 Expression not used
NE5 Brightness or Timbre Used by effects as below

What the inputs do for each effect

Granulator Biquad filter Comb Decimator DWGS Sync
MIDI note grain length cutoff delay line length sample frequency delay line length carrier osc frequency
Tuning NE2 " " " " " "
Pitchbend gain step " " " " "
Velocity - Q feedback # bits loss carrier shape
Poly Pressure grain crossover " " " " "
Sensitivity param - " " " " "
Gain NE0 gain gain gain gain gain gain
Pan NE1 grain step - - - string lopass trigger level
Timbre NE5 grain rate - - - string inpos -


Tuning and volume are global. Additional parameters are below.

Biquad Parameters

Sync Parameters

DWGS Parameters

Granulator Parameters

Plugin support

Originally written and used in Cubase VST2. Rewritten for VST3 SDK and tested on Ableton Live 11, where MPE doesn't work, and on Bitwig where note expression works.


Requires vst3sdk. CMake should acquire the package from git or you can specify -DVST3_SDK_DIR=

to cmake.

git clone
cd paukn
cd build-<platform>
make -j 4

And you should have a VST3/paukn.vst3 in your build directory, which you can move where you please.