clburlison / dmon

iOS jailbreak monitoring & update solution
MIT License
4 stars 1 forks source link

dmon (Device Monitor)

:construction_worker: :hammer: Work in progress :construction: :vertical_traffic_light:

dmon is a monitor solution for jailbroken iOS devices. This project's core goal is to ensure a specific iOS application is constantly running without needing to use Single App Mode (SAM) or Guided Access Mode (GAM).

A script is included to help with the initial configuration of a jailbroken device: ./bin/setup

Table of Contents


Getting started

It is assumed you know your way around a command line. Commands are ran on your computer connected to a single iOS device.

  1. Grab a valid iOS 14+ device and jailbreak it:

  2. Clone this git repo.

    git clone
  3. Change directory into the freshly cloned repo.

    cd dmon
  4. Create a config.json at the root of this repo with the correct values.

    Make sure to remove all // comments before saving. They are not valid JSON!

     "api_key": "YOUR_API_KEY",
     "device_configuration_manager_url": "https://YOUR_AWESOME_DCM_URL",
     "dmon_url": "https://YOUR_URL:PORT/path/", // Url to download update files from. Leave empty if you don't want to use the update function.
     "dmon_username": "username", // Basic Auth username. Leave empty if not used
     "dmon_password": "password" // Basic Auth password. Leave empty if not used
  5. Download any extra .deb files you want installed into the ./debs/ directory.

    debs to include:

  6. Grab a copy of Pokemon Go via majd/ipatool.

    brew tap majd/repo
    brew install ipatool
    ipatool auth login -e '' -p 'PASSWORD'
    ipatool download --purchase -b com.nianticlabs.pokemongo -o pogo.ipa
  7. Connect your iOS device to your computer via USB.

  8. Open and run (remember only to have one phone connected).

    # Alteratively you can pass -u <device-uuid> if multiple phones are connected
    iproxy 2222 22
  9. Then, in a separate terminal window, run:

    ssh root@localhost -p 2222 # default password is 'alpine'
    # Now disconnect with: Control + d
  10. Now run:

    # If you want to setup passwordless ssh then pass the argument with the path to your public key
    ./bin/setup -s ~/.ssh/
  11. Assuming everything worked correctly, your phone is now properly configured.

Bonus items that are out of scope for this project.


Commonly asked questions

How can I stop it?!?!

  1. Close Pokemon Go on the phone
  2. Open kernbypass UI on the phone and click Disable (maybe required...maybe not)
  3. ssh into the phone & unload the launch daemon

    ssh iphone
    /usr/bin/launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.github.clburlison.dmon.plist

How do I set up the webserver?

It is a flat structure. You can use Nginx, Apache, Caddy, Python, NodeJS, etc. Your files should be named:

├── dmon.deb
├── gc.deb
├── pogo.ipa
└── version.txt

Your version.txt file should have the following text. Update the versions to match what is currently released.

dmon: 0.0.9
gc: 2.0.248
pogo: 0.265.0

Then in your config, point dmon_url to http://HOSTNAME:PORT/top_level_folder.

Why did you reuse the existing config.json?

I was lazy and figured this would make it easier for you. Now bugger off.

Why didn't you include the debs I need?

I don't have the original author's permission to upload their files.

Why is my https url not working?

dmon is using the stock CA Certificates installed as part of the iOS jailbreak. The Procursus Team placed files in /usr/lib/ssl/cacert.pem and I figured it would be safe to keep using them. Those root certs might have expired and need an update if you are running into an issue.
