Setup outset using puppet.
Original project found here: chilcote/outset.
Using a file distributed via pluginsync
script => 'puppet:///modules/mac_base/disable_wifi/'
Using a template, and a high priority value to make it run last (default is 10)
script => template('mac_base/dock/'),
type => 'template',
priority => 99
Compound example: pluginsync, hiera, and update parameter.
puppet will automatically remove the login-once item from ~/Library/Preferences/com.github.outset.once.plist
when a change to the script has been made. Puppet is already storing a hash for each file being managed via pluginsync. Therefore a modification to the script will change the hash, which in turn will have puppet run a script removing the item. The end result is - run once until I say to run again.outset::login_once{'':
script => hiera('outsetdock::script', 'puppet:///modules/profile/dockutil/'),
update => true,
priority => '5'
Graham Gilbert has an almost identical module located here. The main benefits include: