clearlinux-pkgs-3rd-party / documentation

Contains the instructions for compilation and installation
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Table of contents

  1. Adding the repo
  2. Available Packages
  3. Important information
    1. Updating from a version before 17-04-2020
    2. Fixes for some issues still existing with swupd 3rd-party
  4. Extra packages (manual installation)
  5. Changelog

Adding the repo

In order to use the repository, we first have to enable it with:

sudo swupd 3rd-party add greginator

do not change the name greginator to anything else, it is the name that will be used for the repository on your own machine and it will mean that all content of the repository will be placed under /opt/3rd-party/bundles/greginator. This is needed for some .desktop files as they are hardcoded to this path

In order to list all available bundles from 3rd-party repos:

sudo swupd 3rd-party bundle-list -a

Available Packages

Important information

Updating from a version before 17-04-2020

Since I messed up my installation and had to remove the mixer folder I now have new private keys for the repository, this means that you have to remove and add the repository again. (Note that in the first command you should replace greginator with the name you gave the repository on your device).

sudo swupd 3rd-party remove greginator
sudo swupd 3rd-party add greginator

Now reinstall all the software that you want, your config files will still work so you don't have to reconfigure things like VS Code.

Fixes for some issues still existing with swupd 3rd-party:

.desktop files

Currently swupd 3rd-party doesn't export .desktop files, I have patched them manually to use the /opt/3rd-party path but you still have to copy them to your applications folder.

cp -R /opt/3rd-party/bundles/greginator/usr/share/applications/* $HOME/.local/share/applications

VS Code filesystem watches

We need to allow VS Code to watch larger filesystems for changes, the default is too small

sudo mkdir -p /etc/sysctl.d
echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee /etc/sysctl.d/40-max-user-watches.conf && sudo sysctl --system


We need to add out codecs to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, for this a few different things need to be done due to incompatibility between the configs for wayland, x11 and some quirck in firefox.


sudo tee -a /etc/ << EOF
sudo ldconfig


sudo tee -a /etc/profile << EOF
if [[ \$UID -ge 1000 && -d /opt/3rd-party/bundles/greginator/usr/lib64 && -z \$(echo \$LD_LIBRARY_PATH | grep -o /opt/3rd-party/bundles/greginator/usr/lib64) ]]
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/opt/3rd-party/bundles/greginator/usr/lib64:/opt/3rd-party/bundles/greginator/usr/lib32:\${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}"


sudo mkdir -p /etc/environment.d/
echo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/3rd-party/bundles/greginator/usr/lib64:/opt/3rd-party/bundles/greginator/usr/lib32 | sudo tee /etc/environment.d/10-codecs.conf


echo "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/3rd-party/bundles/greginator/usr/lib64:/opt/3rd-party/bundles/greginator/usr/lib32" >> ${HOME}/.config/firefox.conf

Extra packages (manual installation)


The QTSyleplugins package provides some files for QT5 in order to be able to theme bettter, most importantly it includes the ability for QT to use the GTK2 theme making it possible to have a uniform look for QT applications in GNOME.

sudo swupd bundle-add wget os-clr-on-clr qt5ct
wget -O qtstyleplugins-lib-1-2.x86_64.rpm
rpm2cpio qtstyleplugins-lib-1-2.x86_64.rpm | (cd /; sudo cpio -i -d -u 2> /dev/null);
echo QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=qt5ct | sudo tee /etc/environment.d/20-QT.conf

Now open qt5ct and set the style to gtk2, standard dialogs to GTK2, while you're at it you might want to change the icon theme and fonts as well.
