clearlyip / node-asteriskagi

NodeJS Asterisk Fast AGI Server
MIT License
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Asterisk AGI (FastAGI) Server for Nodejs


Event-based server useful for building Asterisk FastAGI applications in Nodejs. Each call produces a "call" event containing a call handle you can interact with to get variables, perform actions, etc.


Getting Started


Using NPM:

$ npm install asteriskagi

Basic Usage

import AGIServer from "asteriskagi";

const agi = new AGIServer(/* {port: 4573} */); // Server (optional port, default: 4573)

agi.on("call", async (call) => {
  const { remoteServer, uniqueid, context, extension, priority, calleridname, callerid, channel } = call;

  call.on("hangup", () => {
    console.log(`Hangup  ${remoteServer}/${channel}`);

  call.on("error", (err) => {
    console.error(`ERROR: ${remoteServer}/${channel}: ${err}`);

  await call.Answer();
  await call.Playback("beep");
  await call.SayAlpha("hello");
  await call.Hangup();

In Asterisk dialplan (assuming the Node server is running on the same machine):

exten => 1234,1,AGI(agi://localhost:4573)


All standard Asterisk dialplan commands (as of 20.x) are accessible via the call object. (See 'Basic Usage' for examples.)

AGIServer Events

Event Description
call Emitted when a call arrives. Contains the "call" object.
ready Emits when the server is listening and ready.
error Emitted when an error occurs. (err) = "Errror text"

Call Events

Event Description
hangup Emitted when a call disconnects.
error Emitted when an error occurs. (err) = "Errror text"