clearsitedesigns / chromaViewMaster

This allows you to do knowledge based analysis on a chroma databsae in many ways
GNU General Public License v3.0
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ChromaView Master 1.0

ChromaView Master is a Streamlit-based tool designed to help you understand, visualize, and manipulate Chroma database collections. I created this tool for situations where I frequently create ad-hoc RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) Chroma databases, and I needed an easier way to inspect their structure and content without relying solely on an LLM. I just needed a simple tool to quickly analyze chroma databases.

This is actively being revised still....


Screenshot 2024-05-20 at 8 38 01 AM




Installation and Usage

  1. Prerequisites:

    • Ensure you have Python and pip installed. (I recommend using a clean conda environment.)
    • Install required libraries:
      pip install -r requirements.txt
    • Download the spaCy model:
      python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
  2. Run ChromaView Master:

    • Locate the path to your Chroma database.
    • Execute the following command in your terminal:
      streamlit run /path_to_your_database/testdb 

      (Replace /path_to_your_database/testdb with your actual path)

Note: This tool currently assumes your database has no password protection.


If your Chroma database is located at /Users/yourname/documents/mychromadb, you would run:

streamlit run /Users/yourname/documents/mychromadb

## Troubleshooting

- Large datastores may take awhile to generate. This is a limitation of browser & streamlit.

You can find me on discord Preston McCauley