clegaspi / saml_reader

A tool to parse and verify SAML response data for MongoDB Cloud.
MIT License
7 stars 2 forks source link

SAML Reader


Please DO NOT add any personally identifiable information (PII) when reporting an issue.

This means DO NOT upload any SAML data, even if it is yours. I don't want to be responsible for it. :)

Table of Contents

What is this tool?

This tool parses SAML responses, gathering relevant info for diagnosing issues with federated authentication for MongoDB Cloud.


Dependencies for xmlsec

One of the tools used in this package requires xmlsec, which requires some libraries be installed on your system. See this page for details on the required packages. For Mac, they can be installed by running Homebrew:

brew install libxml2 libxmlsec1 pkg-config

For Windows, installing the xmlsec package from PyPI already has these dependencies pre-built into the installation process for the package, so there should be no need to install them separately.

As a note, libxmlsec1 v1.3 and higher is incompatible with Python package xmlsec v1.3.13 and lower. If you are running into compile issues, be sure that your environment has xmlsec v1.3.14 or higher installed.

Installing from PyPI

SAML Reader v0.0.6 and earlier is incompatible with Python 3.11+. Install v0.0.7+ for compatibility with Python 3.11+.

To install SAML Reader from PyPI:

  1. It is highly recommended that this package be run in a Python virtual environment such as virtualenv or Anaconda. Please follow one of the previous links to learn how to create a Python environment of your choice. Create the environment with Python 3.9+ and activate it.
    • It is highly recommend to not install this directly into your system's global Python environment. There is just so much that can go wrong.
  2. Install the package from PyPI:
pip install saml_reader
  1. Run the command line interface by running saml_reader with options specified below.

Installing from GitHub source

If you wish to install from the GitHub source:

  1. Clone the repository locally with git clone.
  2. Create a virtual environment such as virtualenv or Anaconda using Python 3.9+ and activate it.
  3. In the root directory of the repository, run pip install . to install the package. If you are planning to make changes to the package, run pip install -e . instead to install the package in editable mode.
  4. Run the command line interface by running saml_reader with options specified below.

Updating the package

As this software is in its infancy, updates will be made as quickly as I have time.

From PyPI

To get the latest version, run:

pip install --upgrade saml_reader

This should uninstall the old version and install the new.

From GitHub source

To pull down the latest version:

  1. Checkout master branch with git checkout master.
  2. Run git pull to pull down the latest changes.
  3. If you installed in editable mode, you should be good to go. If you did not install in editable mode, run pip install . in the root directory of the repository.

Running the web app

This tool can be run locally as a web app. You simply need to run:


This will run the web app, serving it on localhost and port 8050. Your default browser will open automatically to http://localhost:8050. There are a couple of arguments that the web app will take:

When you navigate to the web app, the Analyze SAML link is the only one that currently has any functionality. You enter the SAML data on the left side and specify any comparison values you wish to include on the right side. Once you do that, click Analyze and the output will appear.

When you are done using the web app, please be sure to close the web server by pressing Ctrl+C in the terminal where you ran the web app. If you did not specify --keep-alive, the server will automatically terminate after 30 minutes.

Running the CLI

This tool can accept a SAML response as properly-formatted XML or a base64-encoded string, or it can be extracted directly from a HAR file dump. The data can be input from a file, from the system clipboard, or from a Unix pipe.

Data Sources

You can read from a number of different sources in a number of different formats.

Reading from a file

You with different types

saml_reader /path/to/file.xml   # XML is default type
saml_reader /path/to/base64.txt --type base64   # base64 requires flag
saml_reader /path/to/harfile.har --type har     # har requires flag

Reading from clipboard

If you have the xml, base64, or har data in your system clipboard, run:

saml_reader --clip --type <xml, base64, har>

The --type flag is not required for an XML file.

Reading from pipe

If you prefer piping or have been doing your own parsing on the command line:

cat file.xml | saml_reader
cat base64.txt | saml_reader --type base64
cat file.har | saml_reader --type har

You can specify saml_reader --stdin but it is not required.

Other command line options

By default, the application will only output the results of validation tests. There are some extra options to expand the tests and the information that is output by the program.


This flag will print a full summary of key parameters pulled directly from the SAML response and certificate.


This will only print the summary and skip any validation tests. Cannot be specified with --compare


This will allow the user to input expected values to compare with the SAML response. SAML Reader will prompt for each value in the terminal. Values can be skipped by pressing Enter without inputting a value. Example:

Customer First Name: Sam
Customer Last Name: Ell
Customer Email Address:
MongoDB Assertion Consumer Service URL:
MongoDB Audience URL:
Domain(s) associated with IdP:
IdP Issuer URI: Issuer_URI_Here
Signing Certificate Expiration Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 01/31/2021
Encryption Algorithm (SHA1 or SHA256): SHA256
Is customer expecting role mapping (y/N): y
Expected role mapping group names (if unknown, leave blank):
1. Test Group Name

All values will be validated to see if they match expected values for MongoDB Cloud. If an attribute does not pass validation, you will be asked to re-enter it or skip it.

Alternatively, this option will accept a single argument as a path to a JSON file containing the comparison values in the format:

  "firstName": "Sam",
  "lastName": "Ell",
  "email": "",
  "issuer": "Issuer URI here",
  "cert_expiration": "Date in MM/DD/YYYY format",
  "acs": "Assertion Consumer Service URL here",
  "audience": "Audience URL here",
  "encryption": "Must be 'SHA1' or 'SHA256'",
  "domains": ["", "", ""],
  "role_mapping_expected": "Must be 'Y' or 'N'",
  "memberOf": ["Test Group Name"]

Note that domains and memberOf must be lists. Any value can be omitted or substituted with null to be ignored. An empty string ("") or empty list ([]) will be interpreted as an invalid value.

Reporting issues

Because this tool inherently deals with personally identifiable information (PII) and security information, this bears repeating...

IMPORTANT: Please DO NOT add any personally identifiable information (PII) when reporting an issue.

This means DO NOT upload any SAML data, even if it is yours.

That said, thank you in advance for reporting any issues that you find while using this tool. This tool is in its infancy, so it's sure to have issues and non-graceful handling of errors. To report an issue, please open an issue on this repository, describing the issue you are experiencing and one of the maintainers will look into the issue.


I do not have any specific requirements for contributing at this time, other than that I am using Google-style docstrings. Please feel free to open a pull request!

As the architecture has evolved, I plan to create a document with more information on the structure of the application and how to contribute. But as you might have noticed, updates to the application come slowly.