Namecoin tool - a command line tool for managing Namecoin names
npm install -g namecointool
nct <command> [arguments]
Commands that require unlocking the wallet will prompt you to enter your passphrase using a pinentry program.
Configuration for communicating with namecoind is read from
Show a list of names controlled by your wallet
info <name>
Show info about a name
cat <name>
Print the contents of a name. If the value is JSON, it is pretty-printed.
edit <name>
Edit a name. Opens your $EDITOR and saves the result when the editor exits. If the value is JSON, it is pretty-printed for the editor and then printed compactly for issuing the update. If the JSON data saved is invalid, you are prompted to edit it again.
update-expiring [<depth>]
Update all names that are nearing expiration, i.e. are within <depth>
of expiring. If unspecified, depth defaults to 4500, which is about a month.
Fair License (Fair)
© 2015-2016 Charles Lehner
Usage of the works is permitted provided that this instrument is retained with the works, so that any entity that uses the works is notified of this instrument.