clement-moulin-frier / vivarium

MIT License
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Vivarium demo

See a preliminary demo of the project on this video.


1- Get the repository

git clone
cd vivarium/

2- Create and activate a virtual environment (optional)

python -m venv myvenv
source myvenv/bin/activate

3- Install the dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e . 


Run the simulation in a server

To run the simulation in a server, use the following command:

python3 scripts/

By default, the simulation will use the parameters specified in the default.yaml scene file located in the conf/scene directory.

Using custom scene files

You can customize the initial simulation parameters by creating your own scene files in YAML format and placing them in the conf/scene directory. Scene files can specify parameters such as the number of objects, their size, or the colors, positions, and behaviors of agents for example.

To use a custom scene file in your simulation, pass the scene option followed by the name of the scene file (without the .yaml extension) to the script. For example, to run the session_1 scene, use the following command:

python3 scripts/ scene=session_1

Any parameters not specified in the custom scene file will be inherited from the default.yaml scene.

Interact with it from a web interface

When the server is started, you can launch a web interface from another terminal to interact with the simulation:

panel serve scripts/ --autoreload

Once this command will have completed, it will output a URL looking like http://localhost:5006/run_interface, that you can open in your browser.

Interact with it from a jupyter notebook

You will find explanations of the web interface and how to control the simulator programmatically in the Jupyter Notebook vivarium/notebooks/quickstart_tutorial.ipynb


Default scene generation

If you wish to make changes to the state of the simulation and change the init functions in vivarium/simulator/, you can automatically generate a default yaml config file from the default parameters of the functions.

To do so, just run :

python3 scripts/ 


grpc compilation command line (normally only needed if modifying the .proto file for communication between server and controllers, e.g. the web interface):

python -m grpc_tools.protoc -I./vivarium/simulator/grpc_server/protos --python_out=./vivarium/simulator/grpc_server/ --pyi_out=./vivarium/simulator/grpc_server/ --grpc_python_out=./vivarium/simulator/grpc_server/ ./vivarium/simulator/grpc_server/protos/simulator.proto

Automated tests

If you want to test your changes locally, you can run the following command in the root of the directory :


You can add your own tests in the tests/ subdirector. Make sure that the name or your files and test functions start with "test".


To help you get started and explore the project, we provide a set of Jupyter notebook tutorials located in the notebooks folder. These tutorials cover various aspects of the project, from using the graphical interface to interacting with simulations and understanding the backend.