cleverington / setup.environment

A collection of power tools
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Setup environment


Environment setup is something that if you don't do right the first time around it will come back to haunt you because you will spend a lot of time fighting with your tools instead of your tools helping you. Also, installing tools with sudo can result in you having to use that tool with sudo for every command. When downloading things like node modules off the internet this could be a very bad idea. So don't use sudo unless it is specifically listed.

How to use

If you are wondering how to use this guide. You need to know that all of our documentation is stored in the instructions directory. From there you should pick your os and follow the setup instructions. Once the setup instructions are complete you should be able to then find additional tools useful for certain kinds of development. See the kinds-of-development section.

Assumed File Structure

Create these directories before / as you get started.

Setting up this repository