cli-playground / kodo

MIT License
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Kodo - Command line interface for OpenShift

Kodo is a command line interface to build and deploy applications on Openshift.



  1. Fork from
  2. Create Your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/fooBar)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some fooBar')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/fooBar)
  5. Before creating pull request, Make sure to pull all upstream latest changes
  6. Create a new pull request


Commands List

Before running commands, Set Path to $HOME/kodo/bin/.

  1. count : Command to count resources like pods running on cluster\ kodo count <resources> \ For example, kodo count pods --server=<server url> --token=<token> will output count of running pods of a given cluster.

  2. deploy : Command to deploy an image \ kodo deploy --image=<image> --replicas=<no of replicas> --port=<port number> --token=<token> --server=<cluster url> --namespace=<namespace>

  3. build: Command to create new BuildConfig and ImageStream from Dockerfile in github repo \ kodo build --source=<github url> --namespace=<namespace> --token=<Token>--server=<cluster url>

  4. help: Command to help user to list all available commands and flags\ kodo help

  5. version : Command to check current version \ kodo version