cliffchew84 / SG-Lib-Books

This is a side project of a book lover from Singapore, who wants a quick way to view the availability of library books from the Singapore libraries
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Web App - Books Available in SG Libraries (NLB)

This is the repository for a side project, SGLibReads, which is a free web app for Singapore residents to search, save and more easily view the availability of Singapore library books. If you are a heavy user of the Singapore libraries, consider giving this web app a try.

Tell Me Why?

Why One - Providing a better way to search for NLB books

As of 2023, both the Singapore National Library Board’s (NLB) app and website are great and functional. However, I found it difficult to save and search for book availability on their app and website. Wanting an easier way to hunt down the library books, I hacked out a rudimentary technical solution for my own personal use. As the stars started to align and I learned more technical skills, thanks to NLB and the NLB Udemy Biz account no less, I realised I could develop a solution for the general Singapore public too. I hope to create value for the Singapore public, using skills I learned from public funds.

Why Two - Changing SG government tech culture

When I learned about the NLB public APIs, I realise I could use it for this side project. Unfortunately, the NLB API has so far provided a rather subpar developer experience (see my review here). Nonetheless, I do feel this is also a chance to start more conversations on how some of our government agencies are running their tech deployments. I know there are competent government agencies running excellent tech solutions for Singapore too, and I hope this side project can do its part to contribute to the further strengthening of the Singapore technical core. Those interested in this conversation can follow me on Medium, or add me on Linkedin.

Why Three - Adding more technical skills

This side project is also a way for me to continue to learn and apply more technical skills into a reasonably real-world setting. Some of the possible features I hope to learn and include into this web app includes:

  1. Availability of eBooks
  2. Linking to NLB Events from EventBrite
  3. Recommending books