climate-v /

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Web visualisation of (un)structured netCDF data.


The visualisation can be deployed natively or within a docker container.


Building WASM

To build the wasm module, just run the build script:

This already makes sure all the necessary dependencies are installed.

Run & build web frontend

  1. Make sure nodejs (and npm) is installed
  2. Install NPM dependencies
    • cd earth
    • npm ci
  3. Run dev-server
    • ./node_modules/.bin/vite
  4. Open browser at http://localhost:3000 to use the application

Alternatively, to build a production artifact, instead of running the dev server, you can bundle the application:

Docker container

Build container

docker build --tag climate-v/ --file Dockerfile .

Run/deploy container

docker run -p 80:80 climate-v/
