climsoft / climsoft-web

Climsoft web application
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User Management and Audit Control Implementation #24

Open Patowhiz opened 3 months ago

Patowhiz commented 3 months ago

Overview: This proposal outlines a user management structure and audit control mechanisms for Climsoft, tailored to suit the hierarchical operational needs of users like National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHS) organization. It introduces rigorous permissions linked to user roles and robust logging for database interactions.

User Management Implementation:

  1. User Roles:
    • Administrator:
      • Expected to operate at the headquarter level.
      • Granted full permissions for all types of database writes within Climsoft.
    • Approver:
      • Expected to operate at the headquarter or regional level.
      • Typically responsible for quality control; will have the authority to write to the database, adhering to strict guidelines.
      • Data access depends on station access permissions.
    • Entry Clerk:
      • Expected to operate at the station level.
      • Typically an observer or personnel responsible for data entry; authorized to write observation data into the database.
      • Data access depends on station access permissions.
    • Viewer:
      • Expected to operate at any level.
      • Typically an analytics personnel or consultant responsible for data analysis.
      • Data access depends on station access permissions.
  1. Audit Trails and User ID Tracking:

    • All database write operations will log the user ID of the individual performing the action.
    • Observation data entries, conducted by the Climsoft 'process', will be an exception to this rule.
    • The intent is to enable comprehensive future auditing and maintain integrity and traceability of data.
  2. Data Analysis and Access Rights:

    • All user roles, including Viewers, will be granted rights to perform advanced data analysis.
    • Access rights and analysis capabilities will be dependent on station access permissions.
    • An analysis module, operating in a sandboxed environment within Climsoft, will be developed to ensure data security while allowing complex analytical operations.
    • This strategy aims to permit users outside the organization to conduct in-depth analyses within Climsoft’s security framework.
  3. Database Export Oversight:

    • Database exports may require Administrator approval, subject to the organization’s chosen Climsoft configuration.
    • Export activities will be recorded in logs to facilitate audit trails and uphold data governance standards.
  4. Future Enhancements to Role-Based Access:

    • In the long term, Climsoft user roles will be augmented with optional, fine-grained control policies.
    • These policies will provide additional data access controls at the module level, offering a more tailored and secure user experience.

Rationale: This proposal is motivated by the need for a secure, scalable, and auditable user management system within Climsoft that reflects the operational hierarchy and responsibilities of organizations like NMHS . It seeks to establish a structured environment where data integrity, security, and traceability are the cornerstones of the system while maintaining flexible access to data for analysis.

Request for Team Feedback: I invite the development team’s thoughtful feedback, comments, and suggestions on this proposal. Your expertise and insights will be helpful to the successful design and implementation of these user management and audit control features.