climsoft / climsoft-web

Climsoft web application
MIT License
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Climsoft Web is a comprehensive web application featuring both frontend and backend components. The frontend is developed with Angular, while the backend leverages NestJS and PostgreSQL for a robust, full-stack solution.

Development Deployment Guide

To deploy the Climsoft Web application for development purposes, follow these steps:



  1. Clone the Repository: Execute the following command to Clone Climsoft Web to your local machine using the command:

    git clone
  2. Start PostgreSQL: Within the cloned repository directory, execute the following command to initialize the PostgreSQL container:

    docker-compose -f up
  3. Backend API Setup: Navigate to back-end/api and run the commands below to install NestJS dependencies, launch the backend API with hot-reload enabled and execute seeding migration scripts:

    npm install
    nest start --watch
    npx typeorm migration:run -d dist/typeorm.config.js
  4. Frontend Setup: In the front-end/pwa directory, execute the following commands to install Angular dependencies and launch the development server:

    npm install
    ng serve
  5. Access the Application: Open a web browser and go to http://localhost:4200/ to view the application.

Testing Deployment Guide

For testing deployment with Docker containers for PWA, API and PostgreSQL, follow these steps:



  1. Clone the Repository: Clone Climsoft Web to your machine:

    git clone
  2. Initialize Containers: Within the cloned repository directory, execute the following command to initialize the PWA, API and PostgreSQL containers:

    docker-compose -f up
  3. Access the Application: Navigate to http://localhost:80/ in your web browser to interact with the application.