climsoft / climsoft-web

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Forms Data Entry Operations #25

Open Patowhiz opened 3 months ago

Patowhiz commented 3 months ago


This proposal outlines Climsoft data ingestion process via user-friendly data entry forms, designed to accommodate the varying operational workflows of users like National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHS). It introduces a flexible forms-based data entry system to meet diverse user needs.

User Stories and Scenarios:

  1. User Story 1 (Hourly Data Entry for Multiple Elements):

    • As an observer at an official station, I need to enter data for multiple elements hourly, directly from instruments or record slips.
  2. User Story 2 (Daily Data Entry for a Single Element):

    • As an observer at a volunteer station, I want to enter data for a single element at a specific hour each day.
  3. User Story 3 (Bulk Monthly Data Entry for Multiple Stations):

    • Responsible for data entry across 10 or more stations, I need a system that allows for the input of multiple elements from monthly sheets.

Common Data Entry Case Scenarios:

Proposal for Data Entry Process:

Administrator Responsibilities:

  1. Set Element Thresholds:

    • Define global and, optionally, monthly upper and lower limits for elements to assist in data validation during entry.
  2. Define Data Entry Forms:

    • Create and configure forms that dynamically generate the required metadata for building the entry interface.
  3. User and Station Assignment:

    • Allocate stations to users to allow access rights.
  4. Station and Element Assignment:

    • Allocate elements measured to at the station to stations .
  5. Station and Form Assignment:

    • Allocate forms to be used to enter data to stations.

Dynamic Form Creation:


User Data Entry Workflow:

  1. Station Selection:

    • Users access stations based on their assigned stations.
  2. Form Access:

    • Forms associated with a station are made available to the user, with form accessibility hinging on station form metadata.
  3. Use of Entry Selectors:

    • Users make selections for data entry using controls defined by the form's metadata.
  4. Data Entry Fields:

    • Users input data via fields that are again defined by the form's metadata.
  5. Data Saving:

    • Once data entry is complete, the user can save the data, with the system validating entries against the predefined element limits and other form's validation parameters.


The proposed feature addresses the real-world workflows of Climsoft users, like within NMHS organizations, by creating a customizable, role-specific data entry experience that enhances data integrity and simplifies the entry process.

Request for Team Feedback:

Feedback and suggestions from the Climsoft development team are welcomed and encouraged to refine this proposal and ensure that the final implementation meets user requirements effectively.