climsoft / climsoft-web

Climsoft web application
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Climsoft Architecture, Technology Stack and Deployment Setup #28

Open Patowhiz opened 3 months ago

Patowhiz commented 3 months ago


This feature proposal suggests a modernization of Climsoft's technology stack to adopt a microservices architecture and containerized deployment. The goal is to enhance scalability, maintainability, and performance through a modular setup of independent services and progressive web application (PWA) client.

Detailed Description:

Server-side Components:

Client-side Components:

Architectural Notes:

Proposal for Implementation:

  1. Design and Develop the Microservices:

    • Map out the Climsoft functionalities to be modularized into microservices.
    • Ensure each microservice is well-defined with clear interfaces and responsibilities.
  2. Rest API and Database Integration:

    • Develop the Rest API with robust endpoints, authentication, and authorization mechanisms.
    • Set up the PostgreSQL database schemas and ensure efficient data access patterns are established.
  3. PWA Client Development:

    • Craft the PWA client with user-centric design principles, focusing on a seamless, intuitive user experience that leverages modern web standards.
  4. Containerization Strategy:

    • Establish a containerization strategy that includes Dockerfiles and Docker Compose scripts for local development and testing.
    • Define a deployment pipeline that integrates with CI/CD workflows for smooth rollouts and updates.


By transitioning to a microservices architecture and embracing containerization, Climsoft can achieve greater agility in its development process and operational efficiency. This proposal aims to ensure that Climsoft's software infrastructure is future-proof, scalable, and robust, enabling the team to respond swiftly to changing requirements and growth.

Request for Team Feedback:

The Climsoft Development Team's input on this proposal is invaluable. We seek your thoughts on this modernization approach, and any insights or concerns you may have about its implementation.

Technology Stack:


GitHub Repository:


Development Deployment Stack:


Production Deployment Stack: