clingen-data-model / clinvar-ingest

Apache License 2.0
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This project is for loading, processing, outputting, uploading relational-normalized ClinVar Variation Release XML files.

Parse input files

The primary use case is processing ClinVar Variation Release XML files into relationally normalized, newline delimited JSON. By default a file per model type is written to a directory specified with -o, within a directory with the ReleaseDate attribute from the top level of the XML file.

$ clinvar-ingest parse \
    -i test/data/OriginalTestDataSet.xml.gz \
    -o outputs

The above command creates an outputs directory, and in this case also a 2023-10-07 directory in that, because that is the release date in this XML file.

Uploading outputs to Google Cloud Storage (GCS) bucket

While these files are useful on their own, it is useful to have them in a cloud storage bucket, which also enables creating BigQuery external tables.

The source directory outputs/2023-10-07 in this example is the same one written above in the parsing step.

The destination bucket must be some already-existing bucket. The destination prefix can be anything, and refers to the 'directory' the file tree under local source directory ./outputs/2023-10-07 will be written into in the bucket. It may make sense to include the source directory as the suffix if the destination prefix. As a minimum, the release date directory should be included to anchor all the files to a specific release.

clinvar-ingest upload \
    --source-directory outputs/2023-10-07 \
    --destination-bucket clinvar-ingest \
    --destination-prefix outputs/2023-10-07

Creating external database tables

BigQuery is currently supported.

The tables should be created to point to the same bucket and destination prefix as uploaded above. The directory tree under --path is expected to match the <entity_type>/* structure where each entity_type has a directory that contains some number of newline-delimited JSON files.

$ clinvar-ingest create-tables \
    --project clingen-dev \
    --dataset clinvar_ingest_new \
    --bucket clinvar-ingest \
    --path outputs/2023-10-07