A component that provides a filters to the user in a way that can added or remove form the bar. The user is presented with a list of available filters in a list. Choosing a filter adds it to the bar with the option to then remove that filter. Those filters present the user with the fields or selections that allow the user to configure the values and operations of that filter.
You can view the demo.
npm install react-dynamic-filterbar-bootstrap
Add your filterbar to the page and handle the updateF
import { Filters, FilterBar, ChangeFQLHander } from 'react-dynamic-filterbar';
import { StringFilter, NumericFilter, SelectFilter, DateFilter } from 'react-dynamic-filterbar/filter-bar';
type AppProps = {};
type AppState = {
fql?: FilterBars.FilterQueryLanguage<MyData>,
class App extends React.Component<AppProps, AppState> {
constructor(props: AppProps) {
this.state = {
fql: undefined,
onFilterUpdate: ChangeFQLHander<MyData> = (fql) => {
this.setState({ fql });
render() {
return (
<FilterBar onFilterUpdate={this.onFilterUpdate} fql={fql} buttonClassName="btn">
<StringFilter field={['firstName', 'lastName']} label="Name" className="form-control" buttonClassName="btn btn-primary" />
<StringFilter field="comment" label="Comment" className="form-control" buttonClassName="btn btn-primary" showOperator />
<NumericFilter field="amount" label="Amount" className="form-control" />
<SelectFilter field="color" label="Colors" options={colorOptions} styles={customStyles} isMulti />
<DateFilter field="birthday" label="Birthday" showOperator buttonClassName="btn btn-primary" shown/>
FQL is designed to be a normalized definition of filters that can be applied to a dataset in a serializable format. The format allows for flexable filter configuration that still includes order of filter application and nested properties. This result is an object that can represent the WHERE clause of a SQL while keeping the information needed to display the filters.
FQL = { // The base FQL wrapping object.
logic: AND, // AND | OR - Used to represent how multiple filters are grouped together. (Default: AND)
filterQueries: [
logic: OR, // Logic used to join filter values on a property together and multiple filters.
field: 'name', // The property or field to be filtered on. Can be array of fields or nested fields. ex ['user.firstName', 'user.lastName']
filterItems: [{
operation: EQ, // Logic used in the comparison operation.
value: 'Jim' // The value to check against.
SELECT * FROM USER WHERE [name] = 'Jim';
// The base FQL wrapping object.
const fql = {
logic: 'AND',
filterQueries: [
logic: 'OR',
field: 'comment',
filterItems: [{
operation: 'CONTAINS',
value: 'Test'
logic: 'OR',
field: 'color',
filterItems: [{
operation: 'EQ',
value: 'red'
}, {
operation: 'EQ',
value: 'blue'
SELECT * FROM USER WHERE [comment] LIKE '%Test%' AND ([color] = 'red' OR [color] = 'blue');
SELECT * FROM USER WHERE [comment] LIKE '%Test%' AND ([color] IN ('red', 'blue'));
Text filter added for a name.
You can make your own custom filter. The filter is responsable for consuming its part of filter query and calling the event handler when that filter query has changed. The filter is wrapped in a control that supplies a remove link.