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Loop Pulse Application Server
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Loop Pulse Application Server

Setup and run

  1. install meteor
  2. change the settings.json.sample into settings.json
  3. run with meteor --settings server/settings.json
  4. setup security settings in firebase application for receiving events

    • Open the Security and Rules tab in your firebase application. Replace the content with the following:
      "rules": {
      "workspaces": {
      "$workspaceId": {
        ".read": false,
        ".write": "auth != null && auth.workspaceId == $workspaceId"

Create organization and all related entities

  1. Create a json file and upload to a cloud storage Sample
  2. Open the console on the browser (Bug in Velocity prevents us doing the following in meteor shell)
  3. Run'importOrganizationsFromUrl', 'PATH TO JSON')

Organization and Account Creation

  1. Launch app.
  2. Open the console on the browser (Bug in Velocity prevents us doing the following in meteor shell)
  3. Run'createWorkspaceAndOrganizationAndUser',{name: 'workspace name', poiDescriptors: { one : 'singular', many: 'plural'} }, {name: 'org name'}, {email: 'email', password: 'pwd'})


If you have already created an organization, you could also create an invitation on meteor shell with the following command:

Invitations.create({organizationId: YOUR_ORGANIZATION_ID, requestorId: REQUESTOR_ID, inviteeEmail: INVITEE_EMAIL})

Create Application

To create an application, such as simulator and SDKs for authenticate API, you could call this in browser console."addApplication", { "name" : "mandatory", workspaceId : "mandatory", token : "optional" }, function(e,r) { console.log(r); });

Create Point of Interest(POI)

Same same la,

`"addPoi", { workspaceId : "must", name : "must", beacon : { uuid : "must", major : "must", minor : "must" } }, function(e,r) { console.log(r); });

Technical Note