clipmove / NotBlood

Gameplay Mod For NBlood
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Multiplayer Feedback #96

Closed Tiddalick closed 9 months ago

Tiddalick commented 9 months ago

Thank you for extending the options in multiplayer! I have been mucking around with these recently for some LAN deathmatch.

I like how you have recently added in the option to pick the Cultist to this mode. I was curious how you handled the 'near death' state and I thought you did a good job.

I realise that there are only a few models that offer enough sprite work to really be considered, but are you looking to increase the number of options here? Perhaps adding in the other cultist colours or even including other options like the zombies or gill beast (even if its a little silly)

tmyqlfpir commented 9 months ago

Hi. Thanks for the feedback. Additional player models are not really possible due to the limited choice of sprites. Only the cultist has a swim state, crawl state, dying state, etc; which is not surprising as the cultist sprite was the player character during alpha development.

Using zombies or other sprites would have broken hitboxes for many of the non-standing states, making killing the other player during swimming very frustrating. The only enemy that does have compatible sprites would be the beast, but lacks a prone crawling state.

I'm not interested in making new enemy sprites; and I prefer NotBlood to only use existing vanilla files. Otherwise it'll become rather incompatible with mods that supply their own ART files.

tmyqlfpir commented 9 months ago

As for colors, I'll look into it. There's only four viable colors available, and they're automatically assigned by the game on spawn. If there are any logic tied to the unused team ID, it would limit what I can do.

Tiddalick commented 9 months ago

Thanks for the response. Yes, I figured that the cultist would be the only 'complete' sprite set for this purpose. Though, I suggested the other models more for fun (say coop) then anything balanced or complete where some 'jank' wouldn't be a problem.

I tested it some more and the cultists already get the colours in the same way that Caleb gets coloured pants, so this is a non-issue. I had not realised this had happened previously as I had only played with one other player. I can see that the colours are assigned as per the name colour. So really the only thing here is perhaps changing how these colours are assigned... unless it must it always cycle through Blue, Red, Grey and Teal.

Regardless, the cultist is a welcome addition!

Tiddalick commented 9 months ago

One small bug with the cultist model selection for multiplayer. When you respawn and go and view your corpse, it is the caleb body model. Though it appears the correct cultist model to the other player. This is not an important bug, but I thought I would report it.

One other thing. It would be good to know what the 'Health Handicap' actually does in terms of numbers. Maybe this expanded detail can be included in the readme.

tmyqlfpir commented 9 months ago

Yes, I figured that the cultist would be the only 'complete' sprite set for this purpose. Though, I suggested the other models more for fun (say coop) then anything balanced or complete where some 'jank' wouldn't be a problem.

I'd rather not have optional features that are broken, no.

When you respawn and go and view your corpse, it is the caleb body model. Though it appears the correct cultist model to the other player.

This has been fixed.

It would be good to know what the 'Health Handicap' actually does in terms of numbers. Maybe this expanded detail can be included in the readme.

This is the same feature as -skill for the original DOS version. It overrides the damage taken scale option, which in single player uses the current difficulty setting. 99% of the time, players did not use this feature for multiplayer, so the default setting is normal.

Tiddalick commented 9 months ago

Thanks for the response and clarification on how the damage scaling works.