clockworklabs / com.clockworklabs.spacetimedbsdk-archive

The SpacetimeDB SDK for Unity clients (Unity Package Manager)
Apache License 2.0
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SpacetimeDB SDK for Unity Engine


This repository contains the Unity SDK for SpacetimeDB. The SDK allows to interact with the database server and is prepared to work with code generated from a SpacetimeDB backend code.


The Unity SDK uses the same code as the C# SDK. You can find the documentation for the C# SDK in the C# SDK Reference

There is also a comprehensive Unity tutorial/demo available:


Unity Demo

Download the .unitypackage release of our Unity Part 1 tutorial demo that includes this SDK as a package manfiest requirement.


  1. Open the package manager window in Unity.
  2. Click the "(+)" button in the top-left corner and select "Add package from git URL".
  3. Paste the following URL:



The Unity SDK for SpacetimeDB requires that there is a UnityNetworkManager component attached to a GameObject in the scene. The UnityNetworkManager component is responsible for connecting to SpacetimeDB and managing the connection. The UnityNetworkManager component is a singleton and there can only be one instance of it in the scene.

Connecting to SpacetimeDB

To connect to SpacetimeDB, you need to call the Connect method on the SpacetimeDBClient class. The Connect method takes the following parameters:


using SpacetimeDB;

SpacetimeDBClient.instance.Connect(TOKEN, HOST, DBNAME, SSL_ENABLED);


The AuthToken class is an optional helper class that can be used to store the local client's authentication token locally in the Unity PlayerPrefs.


using SpacetimeDB;

// called when we receive the client identity from SpacetimeDB
SpacetimeDBClient.instance.onIdentityReceived += (token, identity, address) => {
    local_identity = identity;

SpacetimeDBClient.instance.Connect(AuthToken.Token, hostName, moduleAddress, sslEnabled);

Subscribing to tables

To subscribe to a table, you need to call the Subscribe method on the SpacetimeDBClient class. The Subscribe method takes a list of queries as a parameter. The queries are the same queries that you use to subscribe to tables in the SpacetimeDB web interface.

Listening to events

To listen to events, you need to register callbacks on the SpacetimeDBClient class. The following callbacks are available:

You can register for row update events on a table. To do this, you need to register callbacks on the table class. The following callbacks are available:


using SpacetimeDB.Types;

PlayerComponent.OnInsert += PlayerComponent_OnInsert;
PlayerComponent.OnUpdate += PlayerComponent_OnUpdate;
PlayerComponent.OnDelete += PlayerComponent_OnDelete;
PlayerComponent.OnBeforeDelete += PlayerComponent_OnBeforeDelete;
PlayerComponent.OnRowUpdate += PlayerComponent_OnRowUpdate;

You can register for reducer call updates as well.


using SpacetimeDB.Types;

Reducer.OnMovePlayerEvent += Reducer_OnMovePlayerEvent;

Accessing the client cache

The client cache is a local cache of the data that the client has received from SpacetimeDB. The client cache is automatically updated when the client receives updates from SpacetimeDB.

When you run the CLI generate command, SpacetimeDB will automatically generate a class for each table in your database. These classes are generated in the SpacetimeDB.Types namespace. Each class contains a set of static methods that allow you to query the client cache. The following methods are available:

Calling Reducers

To call a reducer, you need to call the autogenerated method on the Reducer class. The autogenerated method takes the reducer arguments as parameters. The reducer arguments are the same arguments that are expected in your server module.


using SpacetimeDB.Types;

Reducer.MovePlayer(new StdbVector2(0.0f, 0.0f), new StdbVector2(1.0f, 1.0f));